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al0evera's picture
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Joined: 08/29/2009 - 02:56

You're welcome. And I've noticed by the way that the original youtube poster has added my translation as subtitles onto the vids. Cool idea. And he seems to be Russian (or Ukrainian), so maybe he can help me understand those half a dozen phrases that were spoken too fast so we can squeeze every last detail out of Jenya's spoken word.

I also noticed that Dimitri Diordiychuk posted in this forum. I wonder if that's really her brother or an imposter...

djmax's picture
ED.Com SupporterKnowledge KeeperPaparazzi
Joined: 01/19/2009 - 22:05

I'm not sure. He's certainly enigmatic, if it is.

p.s. you've broken page 2 territory, I see.

jeffs007's picture
Joined: 05/02/2009 - 14:16

Interesting. I thought it was you who added the translations onto youtube and that you would be adding the subtitles for Part4 after you translated that part. I hope he adds Part4. It is great to see the translation at the same time you can see her expressions and hear her voice. It adds a lot to the interview.

al0evera's picture
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Joined: 08/29/2009 - 02:56

WOW. I just watched the first five minutes of the new interview, and all I had to say was HOLY SHIT. It's like she sitting in a fucking shrink's office. I didn't catch all of what they were saying, but just to shed some light on the crying, the hostess was asking about her family and her parents' divorce. So far, it seems much more intense than the morning circus radio show or the evening transvestite glamour show that we've seen so far.

The conversation seems a little more elevated than the last one (the hostess seems much more intelligent, to say the least), so it may take some time for this one to be interpreted.

jeffs007's picture
Joined: 05/02/2009 - 14:16

Thanks for the heads up on the crying. You're right. It was intense. This interviewer also seemed completely dispassionate. She was almost clinical. Reminded me of a female Mike Wallace from 60Minutes coming in to 'rip' out the interviewee's soul. I felt like I was spying on a very private moment. I look forward to your translation. I'm glad to hear that you're going to take it on.

djmax's picture
ED.Com SupporterKnowledge KeeperPaparazzi
Joined: 01/19/2009 - 22:05

I'm not certain that I do look forward to his translation...


al0evera's picture
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Joined: 08/29/2009 - 02:56

To be totally honest, I'm not sure if I do either. But now that it's there, I can't just ignore it. It's like a car crash on the side of the freeway; you can't not slow down and take a look. :)

The_Fifth_King's picture
Joined: 02/12/2009 - 10:37

Come on DJ, take it like a man.

djmax's picture
ED.Com SupporterKnowledge KeeperPaparazzi
Joined: 01/19/2009 - 22:05

Uh-uh. I'm sticking with my friends Mickey and Jerry, apprehensively peeking out from this small hole.

The_Fifth_King's picture
Joined: 02/12/2009 - 10:37

Thanks a lot for all the hard work so far, Al0evera.  

I noticed that all 4 parts from the Monroe interview have now been subtitled. And also the few words that al0evera could't hear have been translated. I suppose the enigmatic d1or4ik managed to add the translation to his video. (I suspect d1or4ik = Дмитри - брат Жени). Anyway, great job & much appreciated. Looking forward to seeing the translations of the new videos (in fact just the Russian text would be more than welcome!). I think our hostess Olga Kazberova looked very composed, sharp and active - the way she sits in her chair, compare that to Jenya. And compare Olga to Monroe. That's the difference between between a real woman and some fake. Seemed Jenya was working on some project in Spain, she had a hard time with some guy; being isolated, no phone, no internet... Really curious to know the story.

djmax's picture
ED.Com SupporterKnowledge KeeperPaparazzi
Joined: 01/19/2009 - 22:05

"I suspect d1or4ik = Дмитри - брат Жени"

Possibly. The person's favourited Bad Company 2 and Battlefield, so it's a male we can guess. However, he lists his age as 22, which I believe is too young. Also, there's a video of him going "tss-tss-tss" to a cat, and I don't think Dmitri has a "tss-tss-tss" side. I could be wrong.

The_Fifth_King's picture
Joined: 02/12/2009 - 10:37

I think you're wrong this time, DJ. It's the revealing Facebook information that gives it away. There's a link that mentions d1or4ik. And furthermore he is 22 (born on 13 Nov 1987). I think it's really nice of him that he puts this stuff on YouTube. Большое спасибо.

djmax's picture
ED.Com SupporterKnowledge KeeperPaparazzi
Joined: 01/19/2009 - 22:05

I think I'm wrong too. Spasiba Dimtri.

al0evera's picture
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Joined: 08/29/2009 - 02:56

In case you otherwise missed it, check the Radio Chook forum page for an update. I'm on a fucking roll.

djmax's picture
ED.Com SupporterKnowledge KeeperPaparazzi
Joined: 01/19/2009 - 22:05

Thanks >:D<

p.s. I'll have to add the sock joke to my repertoire if I'm ever in Ukraine.

ali_iraq_20's picture
Joined: 07/26/2010 - 11:48

thank you al0evera  ,,, nice job . we're waiting your translation for the new interview 

Knowledge Keeper
Joined: 03/10/2009 - 23:16

Can't wait for the translation of the other videos

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Joined: 03/10/2009 - 23:16

Nice touch on adding the translation to the YouTube videos

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Joined: 03/10/2009 - 23:16

Does anyone know the title of Jenya's book and when it will be available?

jeffs007's picture
Joined: 05/02/2009 - 14:16

A person using the name Dimitri Diordiychuk was on this forum awhile back. He only offered a single (?) as a comment. However, if he is indeed related to Jenya, he might possibly suggest to her that it may be lucrative to market her book on this site. I'm sure that the members here would give a real jump to the sales of her book when it is released for publication. I know that I would purchase a couple. 

Joined: 05/21/2011 - 02:56

CHe y las traduccion de la la entrevista 2??
