Nice find DJ. Is there an English translation of this anywhere? She looks beautiful and presents herself as a confident young lady but unfortunately I have no idea what she is actually saying. I'm sure this interview would give us further insight into her personality if we were able to get a translation.
Yes, this interview should provide a better picture to her current motivations and feelings now than the chook one which is really quite old. Aloevera over at the freeones boards might provide some translations -
but that's entirely up to him.
Near the end of part 2 she seems to tell that for the last 5 years she has been living in an apartment in Kiev with her brother and sister and doesn't have a car.
Hi 'King'. Thanks for sharing that 'tidbit'. How were you able to discern that information? Do you have the cabability to translate? If so. Is it into English?
She seems to be so mature, sophisticated and in control in the interview. I watched all four segments and there were only a couple of times where she appeared to be slightly embarrassed or flustered by a particular question but she quickly regained her composure and control. It was fun just watching her body language and listening to her voice, even though I didn't understand a word. It would be wonderful to have the entire interview in an understandable format.
All right. Out of respect for the forum that first brought this interview to my attention, I'm going to post my transcription right here on Props to djmax for bringing this to light, and I hope you enjoy what she has to say.
As far as what she has to say is concerned, I've only listened to the first quarter of the interview. So far, it's been pretty standard business: how she became a model, what it's like to pose for Playboy, blah blah blah. Most of you have already heard (and I don't doubt that some of you have even memorized) a lot of the facts you're going to hear in the first video. But I'm optimistic that since, in this video, she is talking to a "woman" interviewer (as opposed to a douchebag fratboy radio talk show host like the last one I interpreted) she may be a little more forthcoming about personal details. That said, the "hostess" as the Fifth King has pointed out should probably be referred to as a "host," so we'll see what we can get out of it.
Regarding the date of the interview, it's anybody's guess, but I think she was saying her age was 26 in this one, so for those of us who know her current age, it's obvious it was done sometime in 2009-2010. And while a lot of the talk has been about Playboy, I'm not sure the interview was actually done by Playboy. It's not really their style to go in depth, and Monroe said something about being on Maxi TV. whatever the hell that is.
In fact it's (Макси-ТВ ). It has nothing to do with Playboy, although the P-word gets mentioned an awful lot in this interview. is an all female tv channel from Ukraine and Monroe has a weekly talkshow Розмови про ЦЕ (apparently Maxxi consider her being a legitimate female).
"But I'm optimistic that since, in this video, she is talking to a "woman" interviewer (as opposed to a douchebag fratboy radio talk show host like the last one I interpreted) she may be a little more forthcoming about personal details"
When the conga drums kick in and the camera zooms in on her face - it can only mean that she is being very forthcoming indeed about personal details. (Well, hm, unless the sound engineer was just playing around, I guess it doesn't mean that though.)
So far I think the interview has been quite interesting. She comes across as being very modest, and I like that. I also like the sound of this kniga - where do I get my signed copy?
Monroe (Maxi TV hostess): Welcome lovely ladies, as well as all the many gentlemen out there, who have the pleasure of joining my guest for today, Playboy's Playmate of the Year Yevgeniya Diordiychuk. I, Monroe, am your host today on Maxi TV. Looking at this young lady, I was, to be honest, quite amazed that she is willing to show off all of her assets, yet today, my dear, why are you in such a modest dress?
Jenya: (laughs) I'm a little tired of being naked, I guess, so I decided to go a bit modest today.
M: Please explain to the Ukrainian ladies out there, and to me as well, what a Playmate is, and how it differs from the Playmate of the Year?
J: It's the girl that is chosen as the top girl of the year, out of those that were published throughout that particular year.
M: That is, from the twelve girls who end up on the pages of Playboy every month, they pick one winner. And that girl gets to do a separate pictorial?...
J: Yes, she then appears on the cover.
M: So, the Playmate, does she always end up on the cover of the magazine or not?
J: The Playmate of the Month, no. She's just on the inside, on the centerfold. But the Playmate of the Year gets to be on the cover.
M: And what kind of privileges does the Playmate of the Year receive?
J: Well, to be honest, none really. It just boosts your ego.
M: That's it?
J: Well, for me, that's it. Because I don't plan on starting a singing career, or acting in movies, I don't really want to use it like that.
M: And why not?
J: I just think that singers are the ones who should be singing, dancers should be dancing, actors should be acting. And if you're a model, then you should be a model.
M: Let's start at the beginning: where did your ambitions for erotic modeling come from?
J: It really happened on accident. Honestly, I was a very modest little girl...
M: I'd say that you look pretty modest right now.
J: A timid girl, you could say. So I just sort of turned out like this somehow.
M: No, so how did it all start? How did you get into it?
J: I really didn't do anything. I caught the eye of a photographer and we did a shoot.
M: Were you looking into magazines or into televeision?
J: No, none of that. I simply undressed in front of the camera, and that was it. I went to a photoshoot and they asked me to do it topless. I said yes. And that's all.
M: Mmhmm.
J: It was all really simple.
M: And how old were you?
J: Eighteen.
M: Eighteen years old. Were you going to school?
J: Yes, I was studying at the LEGPROM [I believe she's talking about the University of Technology and Design in Kiev] and I was majoring in clothing design. And so that's how it happened—I just stumbled upon it.
M: And did you like it? What were your first impressions? Was it easy for you to take your clothes off?
J: Taking my clothes off wasn't hard, because at first I just did shoots topless. Then I saw photos of a certain photographer from Kiev. I liked them and I started taking my clothes off completely.
M: But you were never interested in photography before that?
J: Uh, no.
M: So that was foreign to you.
J: Uh, I wouldn't say it was foreign.
M: You had just browsed it before.
J: I had never even looked at it. And in fact I didn't look too kindly upon nude women at that time. But seeing as how I'm a professional artist, it's okay with me now. Because I myself have drawn the nude form, and I know what the human body is, male and female.
M: Have you always liked your own body?
J: No. I used to not like it. I had a whole bunch of insecurities. I used to think my chest was too big, because by the time I was fifteen I already had a healthy C cup.
M: And on a figure like yours, which is not very tall. How tall are you?
J: 5'6”. I'm small! (smiles)
M: You are a picture model. And did you actively try to develop your own career, or was it a natural progression? You were in a photoshoot, the pictures turned out nice, and you just...
J: Well, not exactly.
M: ...step by step, as I like to say.
J: No, it wasn't exactly step by step. It was a crazy sort of random act. We did the shoot through the internet, and as a personality, an internet personality, I became very popular.
M: I know that you have a pseudonym.
J: Yes, and it wasn't me who thought it up. That is, some Americans did it. And around that they made an entire website.
M: But you didn't know about this.
J: I had no idea. I only found out about it a year and a half later.
M: Now what kind of ass... I mean scumbag, sorry, is what I meant to say, would post your pictures?
J: I also thought he was a scumbag. But now I'm very glad that it happened.
M: That was your launching pad.
J: Well, not that it was a launching pad. But my outlook on life changed quite a bit. By nature I'm a very categorical person. That is, for me things were always one way or the other, black or white. Now I understand that, in principle, you can't judge anything. Every individual can spend his life doing whatever he wants. He can have his own opinions. Somebody else can look at life completely differently than you do.
M: I see what you're saying, but...
J: Like, talking about nude photography, for models like me, it's difficult to live in our society.
M: Why? You mean Ukrainian society?
J: Yes. If you go over to Europe, there's a completely different attitude. There, you are a star. Truly. You get tons of respect. But here, you don't. You go onto a site like Odnoklassniki [the popular Russian classmates site] and some religious dude comes on and starts to tell you about how you're going to burn in hell.
M: Does that upset you?
J: It used to upset me. Now it doesn't. I don't care.
M: You understand that your body is being viewed under a microscope.
J: Of course.
M: How did you come to the point where you thought of yourself as the best, the most beautiful, and that you had become popular?
J: Well, I don't consider myself the best or the most beautiful.
M: Oh you don't?
J: No, I consider myself quite popular. But again, it was totally by accident; I never aspired to it.
M: You've never wanted to create a pseudonym for yourself?
J: I already have one, and I can't seem to get rid of it.
M: Would you mind saying it, because I don't want to mispronounce it.
J: I have two pseudonyms. There's Katie Fey. Yeah, I don't know why they gave me that name. And then there's Jenya D.
M: Have you done a shoot for Playboy America?
J: For the American version, no.
M: Why not?
J: Well because I, uh, well, I tried to find a way over there. But it was too early because there was already a Playboy in Ukraine. And it was very difficult to communicate with them. [I think that's what she said. It doesn't make any sense to me either]
M: And the Ukrainian edition is only five years old?
J: Yes, five years old. And it was much simpler to do things through them.
M: You, Yevgeniya Diordiychuk, can't just write to the editors of Playboy America, show your pictures and say I want to be on the pages your magazine?
J: It doesn't work like that. That just doesn't happen. Nobody reads those letters. The only way you can get into Playboy America is by going through our local Playboy. But I did have one chance. I was supposed to fly over to shoot for Playboy America. I was invited to a shoot of “The Best Playmates from Around the World.” But for some unknown—or maybe known—reason, I didn't make it over there. Another girl went.
M: A Ukrainian. A blonde girl, if I remember correctly?
J: Yeah. So it turned out that literally two days before I flew out—I had my visa and my bags were packed—they apologized to me, told me...
M: So long, honey.
J: Yeah.
M: Tell me, Jenya, how does one get into the Ukrainian edition of Playboy? Or into different publications of the same genre? What do you need to do? A glamour model who's just starting out, who might look at you and say she's got what it takes?
J: There are many different ways.
M: What's the most important way?
J: The most important way is the most simple way. There is a simplest way: find yourself a producer, make him interested in you...
M: So without a producer, you're nobody?
J: Without a producer nobody is going to listen to you. You need to start out with tiny little video clips. For me, my first clip came out five years ago. It was some kind of little casting clip, it had a little picture and it said who you are, what you do, and so on. And it was three and a half years afterward that I became Playmate of the Month.
M: But you at that time had a producer.
J: No, I don't have a producer.
M: So you knock it all out yourself?
J: Yeah, there's nobody else.
M: Are you attached to any modeling agency?
J: I'm attached to one, but it was also sort of a random setup. It was just a formality and I don't ever do any work with them.
M: Did you ever have to go through a “casting couch” or are you against that sort of thing?
J: I'm absolutely against it.
M: Everything is done professionally in your life. You go to a shooting session, they tell you beforehand what type of shoot it will be, you get undressed and then you just get to work?
J: Well, I think they don't really need to tell me what type of shoot it will be because I already understand what Playboy is. There's no reason to talk it over. And if you're a pro, if you already know what you're doing...
M: Did you learn somewhere how to pose in front of the camera?
J: It's all just experience. I've been working since I was eighteen, so basically for eight years.
M: Let's recall your second experience, the one after your first photoshoot. You go out onto the set, and do you feel a little bit more relaxed?
J: Yes. I really enjoyed the process.
M: Do you do sessions often?
J: The last time I had a shoot was two days ago. I'm getting ready to publish a book in English, Spanish, and Russian.
M: You know English and Spanish?
J: No, it's going to be translated. At first it will be in Russian.
And another thing I found very interesting was the discussion about the other Ukrainian girl that pushed her out of the way. Monroe said something about a blonde girl, but when you think about it, who was the other high profile Ukrainian model who recently made it to America to shoot for playboy? Initials are D.A.?.... I think Hefner's new eastern european playmate of the year Dasha might have barely edged out Jenya. If that's true, that is some bad bad timing. Jenya could have made a huge splash here. and while Dasha is a class act, Jenya's got the edge over her in my book.
You mean Даша Астафьева (Dasha Astafieva), and indeed she's not blonde.
For those unfamiliar: "She is the rumored new Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend.She won Stars Factory, which is a Ukranian reality TV program.After that she started a musical career(NikitA Ukrainian pop-group) and worked as a hot fashion model. She posed nude for Playboy Ukraine, and was subsequently honored with their prestigious Playmate of the Year for 2007. She was selected to be Playboy's January 2009 Playmate of the Month and she is the 55th Anniversary Playmate." (Facebook).
(Wish Женя had a decent Facebook page of her own as well)
Thank you so much alOevera. This was a wonderful translation. Each time we are treated to her spoken words, more of her personality is revealed. The manner in which she carries herself in a photo shoot, her facial expressions and fabulous smile can only reveal so much to us. We are finding that she is a very intelligent, grounded young lady who seems to take everything that life hands her in stride whether it be fame or disappointment. Eugenia is really a rather likeable young lady. We appreciate your efforts and look forward to possible future translation of the remainder of the interview. Thanks again.
I must say, this interview so far is much easier to translate than the last one i did. This one is 100% Russian, whereas every couple of minutes in the last one I had to strain my ears to listen to some Ukrainian host trying to verbally feel up his guest. That last one from the radio show, by the way, isn't finished yet. I still have like 15 minutes of interview left to turn into English. There was some good stuff in it too, if i remember correctly.
It's my pleasure to interpret this shite. It's gold. As a bonus, i'm learning plenty of new Russian words myself as I go along.
djmax, if I didn't know any better, I would think that you were actively seeking to learn the language of your love. Is it true that jenya has inspired you to take up Russian? ;)
It's more a case that she's inspired me to crawl on my bare hands and knees through an obstacle course of Russian and I've picked up a few words in the process :)
For now I'm quite happy with this slow process of infusing the language rather than actively learning. And besides, my rolled r's are flat. I just cannot get the hang of that trill or tap. I read where somebody said make a machine gun sound? People have queried my sanity...
Here's part II. This one was a bit harder. Monroe started asking really personal questions, which made Jenya a little flustered, and when she's flustered she speaks really fast. So I missed a few words, but not the main ideas. Also there's some weird fucking tribal music going on 2 or 3 times during the interview. Hard to hear the voices. But we got through it. I think Fifth King and djmax will be happy to find that their translations have held up through the scrutiny.
J: The book will basically be about modeling life. People's lives. There will be a glamorous side of the story, and then there's the other side, the one behind the scenes that the girls live in. It will be very provocative.
M: Now, you understand that the professional lifespan of a model is relatively short, particularly for the erotic type of model? Because skinny girls in clothes can walk the catwalk for a long time. But as for photo models...
J: Not exactly! I think you may be a bit mistaken.
M: Really?
J: Glamour models can go longer. If you take care of yourself, if you look young, then you can shoot until you're 35. The important thing is that you look good in the image. It doesn't matter how old you are.
M: But in the image you still need to give off that certain erotic emotion.
J: That all just comes automatically.
M: Well sure, at 23 you may have that fire in your eyes, but at 35?...
J: It can also be there at 35. It's just a game. You undress, you do your thing. If you're a good model you know how to be an actress in front of the camera, know how to create excitement, to have that sexiness in your eyes. That's also a game.
M: And you don't get all wound up by this?
J: No.
M: You just come, flip a switch, and say “Today, I'm a sexy nurse!” or whatever role you do.
J: No no! I hate those characters. Nurses, schoolgirls, I think it's terrible.
M: Why's that?
J: It all just looks so stupid, to be honest.
M: Stupid? But men get aroused by that, staring at a nurse in her uniform.
J: But men are very odd creatures, as we already know.
M: But you are working for men. You shoot for men's magazines.
J: Honestly, I don't do it for men. I do it for myself, because I like it. It's not at all for the men. I've exposed myself before as a women, and no man has ever opened me up like erotic modeling has. Not one.
M: Well, tell us what kinds of role-playing you like to do.
J: (embarrassed) No. I don't know. I don't do any role-playing.
M: I mean are you aggressive, or playful like a cat... what do you like to do best as a model, I guess is a better way to ask.
J: I like whips, I like latex, I love harshness [or hand-motions, I can't tell] in photos. I love all of that.
M: So you bust out the whips and start going at it? [this is all way out of my range, I'm just getting the basic idea here]
J: I try to be delicate when using violence... [I think]
M: And are you the same in your private life?
J: Umm, in my private life? [snickers] Well in general I'm sort of shy. As far as men go, no, I'm not really like that.
M: I can see that you're quite an experienced woman.
J: Maybe, I don't know.
M: Don't roll your eyes, that's offensive.
J: [laughs] To be honest I don't know what experience is.
M: You don't know?
J: I don't know what experience is.
M: You've been working since you were eighteen and you don't know what experience is?
J: In work yes, in life no.
M: Are you stable in your relationships with men?
J: Umm, very unstable. I can even be annoyed by a pair of shoes that are unpolished. More often than not, I end up being more powerful than the men that surround me, in a psychological way, in everything really.
M: So you start to dominate him, and he begins to annoy you?
J: Yeah. If I feel that a man is weaker than me, then I simply leave.
M: So is it impossible for you to get to know men at all?
J: I can, of course. If I REALLY like him, but that is very rare.
M: Very rare? Tell me about the last time that happened.
J: The last time was last summer.
M: Mmhmm. And where was this?
J: It was in a _________ [sorry! She talks too fast here. She could be saying a storefront or a cafe, but maybe not]. I was crazy for this one guy, who I was seriously in love with. But unfortunately, it turned out that the man was married...
M: And that sort of man is a taboo for you.
J: I wouldn't say it's a taboo. I think it's taboo when you fall in love with a married man. When you understand that you're in love, then it's already become dangerous. It's going to hurt you and him, and you need to cut off the relationship at the right time.
M: And you do that deliberately, break it off. Because you can clearly see that you're going to suffer.
J: Yes.
M: Are you pretty passionate by nature?
J: Very.
M: Do you ever break dishes, throw vases?
J: No, I just turn around and walk out. I don't get involved in anything.
M: And you don't tell anybody off?
J: Well, yeah, I can get rough.
M: Do you ever get a foul mouth?
J: I cuss like crazy. I have a very dirty mouth. Like now, I'm sitting here, and I'm seriously holding myself back.
M: I also do that...
J: When I'm describing things, I want to swear so bad. Just speak real Russian.
M: Of course, I have a very natural question. And that is, is there ever any flirting, and also any further relations between the photographer and the erotic model after a photoshoot?
J: I've heard of that, but I will honestly tell you, honestly, I have never had a romance with a photographer.
M: But they pay you a certain kind of attention, just like I'm looking at you right now, even if you are in that dress of yours.
J: Whenever I go to a photographer, I always go fully dressed, because I know that there is no need to provoke people. You come in order to work. So you need to come covered in a shirt, so nobody can sneak a peak. Because when people start to sleep with each other, that brings the cooperative working relationship to an end.
M: Even if you really want to.
J: Even if you want to. Because today you might want to, and tomorrow you won't! That's what happens.
M: So today you want it, and tomorrow you don't!
J: Or maybe tomorrow you want somebody else.
M: Well sure, you've got to give everyone their due.
J: [laughs] Of course.
M: What about oligarchs, millionaires, the like, do they hit on you?
J: They hit on me, try to find me.
M: Try to find you? How do they do that? I wish they would look for me too...
J: There are just some people who bother themselves with searching you out. They find out your phone number, propose some kind of project, you go to the project, a real project. For example, I was offered to do a photoshoot in some theater in Moscow, I came in, they brought me to the set--
M: And this was all paid for?
J: Completely. I go to Moscow, they put me up in this kick-ass hotel. Then they take me to the set, they introduce me to the director, the actors--
M: It's all for real!
J: It's all real. They show me the screenplay, “We've written a part specially for you. You are the modern-day Juliet. You have the perfect face. You are incredible.” They give me a few lessons on how to play to the camera. And then they take me to eat at a restaurant. For lunch. And at that moment, somebody comes and sits down next to me. He starts proposing to me and, you know...
M: I would have said yes, I'm just being honest, after such a spectacle that they threw in your honor. I would have said “Well, allright. Let's do it.”
J: Well, it's just that when it happens every so often--
M: And this didn't just delight you? The first time, you know, they orchestrated this entire setup for you.
J: It didn't delight me so much as anger me, because I truly did want to be in a movie at that time. And I was terribly disappointed. I realized that it wasn't me that they were inviting to be in a movie. Some dude just wanted to propose to me.
M: Don't you think that by associating with well-off men, you can actually make a shortcut on the way to your dreams?
J: Well, if I ever did...
M: So you don't associate with them? At all?
J: No. I don't have any wealthy lovers.
M: So you're just a working girl?
J: Yeah. I've lived in the same apartment for the past five years. I don't have a car. I live very modestly with my brother and sister who I brought out here from the Donetsk province. I don't have anybody like that.
M: And you've never had one?
J: No, of course I've had men like that, but not many.
M: Did you accept gifts from them?
J: Not any comprehensive gifts. [that's the best I could do. She actually said “global gifts” but who knows what that means]
M: There weren't any or you didn't accept them?
J: No, I just didn't accept them. No apartments, no cars. I just, my internal reason always sets in: if I accept this gift, and then tomorrow I suddenly meet the man of my dreams, he will be very curious as to how I got an apartment in the middle of Kiev--
M: You just tell him.
J: I don't think a man would like to hear that.
M: Do you consider yourself unworthy to receive such gifts? It seems to me you're just the opposite.
J: Oh, every woman is worthy. I just want my future to turn out okay.
M: How do you see your future?
J: I see it, I see it with a man who I will love very much, and he will be crazy in love with me, there will be mutual love. We'll have children.
Great stuff alOevera. THANKS for your continued effort. She really seems to have a plan. I sincerely hope it all works out for her in her personal life. That statement about why she didn't accept gifts from men, like an apartment in Kiev, was quite revealing. It speaks to her character that she would think about the feelings of the yet to be determined "man of her dreams" at the time such an offer was presented to her. She is living proof that women so thoughtful and considerate do exist somewhere in this world. I wonder if it is a cultural or Eastern European mentality. I have not seen this thought process by women in the US. Particularily not in the last 40 years. Bravo Eugenia!
It is also comforting to hear that she hasn't lost the 'spark' or her desire to model and that she thinks she can continue for several years. I have felt from the moment that I laid eyes on her that she was an actress before the still camera. She mentions that craft as a reason for her continuing success along with the maintenance of her beautiful body. Here's to many more years of soaking in the beauty of our enchantress.
Jeff, it definitely isn't an Eastern European mentality. They want fame and wealth just as much as Americans do and are willing to sell even more of their soul to get it.
Ok guys, great job here, but i just got this message from our contact with Jenya:
Jenya has read the translation of her interview at and
found out some discrepancies.
Dasha is not guilty that the
Jenya's trip to USAhas broken. Absolutely other girl is guilty of it.
Her name is Irina Olhovskaja. And her trip was not fair, because is not
the playmate of the month or of the year. Hugh Hefner personally has
confirmed Jenya for this trip, but the editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian
Playboy has prevented her trip. Ukraine always was famous for the
developed corruption."
I'm afraid I don't understand the logic behind this information - I Love Her. I have difficulty believing that if Hugh Hefner wanted Jenya to come to America on behalf of Playboy, that the editor and chief of the Ukrainian edition of Playboy would dare to risk his magazine's relationship with Mr. Hefner, and his worldwide organization, by 'prohibiting' Jenya from going to the US. This does not seem, on the surface, very plausible to me. In fact it would seem to be a short sited if not outright foolish move on the editor's part. Unless there are 'other' factors.
I'm sure there is more to this mystery. Can you get additional details? I am sure that the folks in Playboy's International Publishing Department in Chicago are interested in having her grace the pages of a USA edition. When I purchased the Ukrainian and Polish Playboy magazines from them last fall, that possibility was discussed. I received the definite feeling that Playboy US would welcome that possibility.
Wow D.J. I know Hefner prefers blondes but there is no comparison between the natural sparkling beauty of Eugenia and this cold "plastic" imposter. It just makes no sense to me that Hefner would invite Jenya to America and then replace her or allow her to be replaced by this woman. As I mentioned to I_Love_Her, I believe there is another story beneath the surface concerning this injustice.
Thanks for giving us the name of this apparently evil woman. In Russian it's Ирина Ольховская, if you want to find out more about her. In fact she looks rather scary. And Mr. Хью Хефнер is a weird man.
M: And you understand that love doesn't go on forever. What you might call "love" now is actually just passion.
J: Yeah, but I think it's precisely that kind of passion that raises children--good, beautiful children--when you are out of your minds in love with each other. And their future will be bright. Children should be raised in...
M: Do you plan on meeting such a man here in this country?
J: Well, I know for sure that it's not going to be a foreigner.
M: Definitely not a foreigner.
J: Definitely.
M: Why?
J: Mmmmm, I don't know why... I like the Slavic soul, Slavic men.
M: ...who don't quite fully accept you. [Jenya blushes, looks embarrassed] Do you realize that in our country, you will always be... not exactly "liberated," but a ___________ girl? In a general sense of the word. [she said this way too fast. The feeling is that it's something about an outcast or an outsider]
J: I'll put it this way, I don't live within popular society. I just don't live there. My society is in a different place. I've got my own world, my own social circle.
M: Who are these people?
J: It's all different sorts of people. It's photographers, it might just be students, it's totally all different kinds of people.
M: Jenechka, when you move into a different social plane, in accordance with your popularity and your income, these people are going to gradually move away from you.
J: I've seen what can happen...
M: Or do you suppose that once you become the owner of a fabulous country estate with fancy cars and various other pleasures that this social circle will still be with you? Is that what you are striving towards?
J: I'm striving towards my family. I know that my own family, the one that I have right now--my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister--they will always be close to me. All those other people, they might come or go from your life. You can't do anything about it. That's how it's always been and how it always will be. I honestly believe today that there's no such thing as feminine friendship.
M: You don't have any girlfriends?
J: As of right now, no.
M: Did you destroy those friendships?
J: No. I think that they were the ones who destroyed them.
M: Were they jealous of you?
J: I don't think so. There's always some kind of rivalry between women. Always. And when I see that, I start to get super annoyed. When your relationships turn into some kind of race, that should never happen in human relations. Therefore it's better to not have girlfriends at all.
M: So it's only friendships between men and women?
J: Yes, but only after you've had sex.
M: [taken aback] Seriously?
J: Of course!
M: That's an interesting comment.
J: Otherwise, it's going to happen regardless at a later time. Or else, it doesn't happen at first, but you will eventually start wanting it. If you want to have a friendship with a man, you've got to have sex with him from the start. And then you'll have a friendship.
M: You've never been married?
J: Nope.
M: Have you had ___________ [too fast]
J: No. [says something else too fast]
[commercial break]
M: Tell me Jenya, how much does a glamour model earn?
J: It totally depends. You don't just do one photoshoot and then collect your money.
M: I don't quite understand what a model's job is. To our viewers, it just seems like some easy deal, where you open up some champagne and sit around and talk.
J: [laughs] That's just ignorance.
M: Well then I'm ignorant too. Please explain what the daily work consists of.
J: It consists of--
M: When you don't have any photoshoots, when you have to constantly be in shape, yet nobody wants you.
J: First, so that things can change in your life--from that negative state that you just described--you just really need to love yourself. You'll have people that surround you, but then there's you, right now. So you live with yourself, and with your loved ones, of course, and you believe in yourself. And that's enough.
M: Have you ever had depression?
J: Of course.
M: As a result of not being in demand?
J: I've always been in demand, as an erotic model. I've never had it so that there was some kind of standstill.
M: So what does a model have to do in order to earn money? Where should she shoot? Catalogs? Work at exhibitions?
J: At exhibitions you'll never make any money. I work for magazines as well of course. An erotic model can only make good money in today's world by working on the internet. That's the only way. Because that other stuff doesn't pay.
M: At all.
J: No, it pays some money, of course, but it's just change. It will get you to the next day.
M: So for the internet, is it certain sites?
J: There are all different sorts of sites. And different models will work for different sites.
M: What type of sites are these?
J: Erotica, very explicit erotica.
M: Explicit erotica. Solo? Or is it with a group?
J: It could be with a group of other girls.
M: With a group of hot-blooded mulattos? [yes, those were her exact words]
J: No, only girls.
M: Mmm?
J: I've only had one shoot with a man for a magazine. I really enjoyed it by the way.
M: That was with an actor, I believe.
J: Yeah, it was Denis Nikiforov. It was very...
M: He's the main character of the film "Shadowboxing." His most famous film, right?
J: Yes.
M: And how did you feel on the studio floor with a man? You were nude and he was clothed.
J: Ah, I was wearing little panties. [laughs]
M: Mmmhmmm. And your impressions of working with a man?
J: May I plead the fifth? [looks away, laughs]
M: I can see it in your eyes. You wanted to continue with the shoot afterwards.
J: Well, we couldn't have continued, because I met his wife, a wonderful girl, insanely beautiful. And of course I have a sense of feminine duty. Of course we didn't do anything. I think that Denis would never have done that, because work is work.
M: But the urge came over you?
J: Of course it did. There's no way it couldn't have.
M: Do you get paid by the photoset, or is it done over a period of time as your photos are put onto a website?
J: No, it's a one-time payment.
M: And what kind of money are we talking about?
J: It can be $5,000, $10,000.
M: This is for one photosession?
J: Yes for one day of shooting.
M: And for one day of shooting you're totally nude?
J: Yeah. And sometimes you might get only $1,000. I mean, for friends I can do it for free.
M: Is there competition in your business?
J: I'm sort of separated from that.
M: Oh come on, be honest.
J: No, honestly. I don't associate with those types of models. Really. I have my own life that I live. I don't hang around those types, I don't know where they hang out, what they do. I know that currently, among all the Ukrainian erotic models, I'm the most well-known and most popular on the internet and abroad. So essentially I don't feel competition at this time. Maybe, of course, later on it will appear. Time will go on and my chest will be sitting somewhere around here... [points to stomach area]
M: Have you ever been present on a shoot for a porn film?
J: No.
M: A porn photoshoot?
J: No. No.
M: Do we have any filmmakers in Ukraine who make porn films?
J: Of course there are. I actually don't know any of their names, but I know that pornos are made here, just like in St. Petersburg, for instance.
M: Oh yeah, I know, over there, they even shot one scene in the ________________ [some place in St Petersburg]
J: [winces] Oy.
M: They were handing them out for cheap. It's quite a disgusting spectacle, of course, but...
J: I can--I'm okay with pornography. I can even, if it's a beautiful porno, I can sit down and watch it, why not. I'm a living, breathing human being. I occasionally need sex, something passionate.
M: Are you dating someone right now?
J: No.
M: Do you have a sweetheart?
J: No.
M: What qualities must one possess in order to win over Yevgeniya Diordiychuk, Playmate of the Year for Playboy magazine?
J: He has to be a very kind person. Not necessarily handsome. I mean, exterior qualities don't interest me. He must be neat, take care of himself.
M: Clean.
J: Yes, clean. He must be a peaceful kind of person, and he needs to sort of rise above others. You know, like when you see someone, he should be "not of this world." He should understand everything about life. Truly everything. He should be very real.
M: You've never had a desire to move abroad? Because people don't treat the girls of Playboy the same here.
J: Going abroad, no. I haven't had that desire. Here I'm just fine. If someone says something that I don't like I'll just give him the finger and that's that.
M: You seem to be quite comfortable with yourself.
J: Yes.
M: You don't pay attention to what's going on outside.
J: Absolutely. I do what I want and I live how I want. I advise everyone to do the same.
M: But you understand that there are many different senses of reality. Does that upset you?
J: No. I'm only upset by, like when I watch the Paralympic Games, for instance, and I see people without arms and legs. And they're working towards something, and it upsets me that healthy people can't be that strong. Wars upset me. Hungry children upset me. Everything else doesn't even faze me at all.
Thanks alOevera. Very revealing. Sensitive, confident, considerate, sensuous and driven. I like her values. Interesting thoughts on friendship with men. I DEFINITELY want to be HER friend!!! I love the initiation process.
I gotta say, I think her attitude to relationships is a bit fucked up. This said, I am fully willing to undergo the initiation process to become her friend
On another note, it's interesting to see that she doesn't have any issue with what she calls "beautiful" pornography. I was wondering if perhaps she'd find it all condemnable, and am pleasantly surprised that I was proven wrong.
Umm. YEAAAH. I had to listen to that bit about her "friendships" a few times to make sure I wasn't getting it wrong.
To be totally honest, I have my doubts about the whole deal. It was a strange section of the interview, where she actually took control of it a bit and started volunteering all this stuff about male friendships. And then the whole section ended abruptly with a commercial break and a shot of Monroe winking and waving. Regarding her lack of female friends, for some reason that seems more believable. And even that she has more guy friends than girl friends, that seems right for her. But sex initiations? Come ON. Have you ever heard that from ANY girl, much less from a girl that hot? That shit doesn't happen in real life. I think i'm going to have to fall on the this-is-just-fodder-for-the-rabid-porn-fan-animals side of the fence this time.
If she repeats it again in another interview, I might start to come around. But I'm going to bet this was just a tease (with a glimmer of hope that it's true and that when I visit Kiev one day i'll just happen to run into her at a coffeeshop and she'll invite me back to her place to cook me some Ukrainian borsch....)
Correct DJ. Most women I know will NOT have sex with a male friend for fear of losing that friendship after they have shared sex. We already know however, that Jenya is not a conventional woman. She has chosen to be a sensuous model, displaying her nude beauty, in a country that frowns on such a career. She accepts whatever negativity comes her way and pushes on with her vocation. She possesses an introspective thought process that has also proven to be unconventional. Although she currently poses nude on the WWW, she will not do pornography nor will she accept "lavish gifts" which might lead her to compromise her values or force her to explain to the prospective "man of her dreams" how she could afford such "gifts". A woman with this thought process is not prone to do anything in a frivolous manner.
Her time is consumed by her career, her family and I would guess, a FEW SELECT (and VERY fortunate) male friends. If she puts as much thought into those friendships as she does the rest of her life, I am guessing that the emphasis is on SELECT FEW. There is no reason to beileve that she casually adds male friends at a whim. She seems to value any relationship she has outside of her family. I would guess that she gives friendships considerable thought prior to consumating them. Especially considering the qualification process she has established for such friendships.
In watching her facial expressions and body language during that portion of the interview focusing on male friendships, she seemed quite sincere. She smiled a bit sheepishly immediately after her answer to the question (knowing that it was an unconventional answer) and then immediately explained her reasoning. I think she meant what she said.
Ok, there's another video. She seems more anxious this time (edit: hm, she seems quite upset too at one pount, I hope this is for no bad reason (and I really wish they wouldn't vulgarly zoom in - give a person some space)):
It broke my heart watching her try to hold back the tears. She was really shaken at that one point with the tears streaming down. Whatever the particular question, it was deeply personal and painful for Jenya to answer. It was sad seeing her so vulnerable covering her face trying to hide her pain. It would be very interesting to see the translations of this interview. I've only watched the 1st part and already this is a much tougher interview for her.
She seems, though, to be such an innately happy person. Even with the obviously difficult line of questioning her fabulous smile 'flashed' throughout.
Thanks so much DJ and 'King' for these wonderful posts of this new interview. Your investigative efforts are much appreciated. It appeared that as the interview progressed through parts 2 and 3 Jenya became more comfortable. However, this interview definitely probed more sensitive topics than the Monroe interview. I'm keeping my hopes up for a translation of this interview. It surely would reveal another layer of her captivating personality.
Part IV of the original interview that began this post:
M: How do you see yourself in ten years? Will you continue in this same business?
J: I will be a photographer.
M: You'll be a photographer. Making nude art?
J: Yes, exclusively.
M: Will it be men or women?
J: Women.
M: Only women. So you won't photograph men?
J: No, because nude men don't look quite right on camera.
M: So you are going to be a photographer on Ukrainian terrain.
J: Not just Ukraine. I want to...
M: Will you go through a course?
J: Why would I do that? I have a lot of experience with this work, in front of the camera.
M: You can see how everything works...
J: I've got the entire layout right here (points to head) after eight years of working.
M: This year you're turning 27. And you look wonderful. You have a lovely figure, and I realize that you're blessed with good genes. But still, we do get a little older with every passing year.
J: Absolutely.
M: So, how do you take care of yourself?
J: I wake up at early in the morning.
M: Regardless of what time you went to bed?
J: Yeah.
M: But you might stay out until 6:00 in morning.
J: Absolutely, I do. I can go out, get wasted, sing karaoke--although I have no idea how to sing.
M: Singing is not important in karaoke. What's is important is drinking.
J: Drinking! Yes, drinking is the most important thing.
M: Well, it's nice to... by the way, [looks at the camera] it's nice to have guests come on who openly declare their pleasures, and who, most importantly, are honest with themselves. And I hope you can experience the same thing. [to Jenya] Let's go on. What is your daily schedule?
J: I wake up early, and I go to bed around 11:30 or 12:00, unless I go out on the town. In that case, I can stay out until 6:00 in the morning.
M: And then you wake up later. Do you diet, are you constantly doing sports? You have a fabulous figure.
J: The past three years I haven't done any sports--no, the last two years--at all. As far as food goes, I can occasionally eat like crazy, but afterwards I know that I'll have to fast for a little while.
M: Cleanse yourself.
J: Yeah.
M: The most important thing to do in that situation is to love yourself.
J: Yep. And it's in the eyes. It's all in the eyes.
M: So tell me, a beautiful girl with curves and big eyes, does she have a realistic chance of succeeding in this business?
J: If she can answer one question: does she really want it?
M: So you need to understand if it's right for you.
J: Are you prepared to show yourself naked to the whole world? Because when you've shown yourself nude, basically there are no more secrets. You're an exposed person now. You just try not to let anything into your soul. There is no point in trying to hide anything about yourself or trying to keep up some kind of mystery. So she should understand what she's getting herself into. If she wants it, really wants it, then of course. But you always need to think hard about it. Because I know of some situations where girls got into it, who then seriously regretted it. Then men come into their lives, men who do not like what the women were involved in, and there are conflicts, divorces.
M: Do you think that women should do an erotic photoshoot for themselves?
J: Absolutely.
M: Regardless of age?
J: Regardless.
M: When she's mature, or when she's still young, or even when she's already in her sunset years.
J: Absolutely. Because the woman can then look at herself from that angle, you see? Because when a woman is nude, you can see everything. Not in the physical sense, everything, but in the spiritual sense. You can see her personality. Every women should definitely do some kind of photoshoot of herself.
M: Thank you so much for the conversation. I understand that beneath this smashing body a very businesslike woman is hiding, who clearly knows what she wants. And in the end, I believe you will achieve all sorts of success, because you have the most important feature: you're honest.
J: Thanks.
M: Maybe you weren't terribly candid with me, but you were honest. And that will open doors.
J: Thanks so much.
M: Ladies, as the model with the most experience in recent times, I urge you to preserve your beautiful bodies on film. Because as you look at yourself in ten years, you'll realize that you are the luckiest woman alive. There's nothing shameful about the nude body. And take advantage of this moment, while your peaches are still ripe. I am Monroe, and with us today has been Yevgeniya Diordiychuk, erotic model and also 2009 Playmate of the Year for Playboy.
Waking up early regardless of when you go to bed seems a strange way to me of keeping yourself fit!
As for "cleansing" yourself with fasting, that's a terrible idea too. Cleansing really means that you're starving your body of the essential nutrients that it needs to operate. I wouldn't run a car without petrol for a few miles to "cleanse" out the engine, for example.
//edit: I should be more precise. Running a caloric deficit will eventually cause the body to burn off fat for energy. That's the only way you will lose weight. What's important is that during that time you consume nutrient dense foods to compensate for the reduced calorie intake. There's also some evidence supporting the benefit of intermittent fasting, but that's another topic.
Nice find DJ. Is there an English translation of this anywhere? She looks beautiful and presents herself as a confident young lady but unfortunately I have no idea what she is actually saying. I'm sure this interview would give us further insight into her personality if we were able to get a translation.
Yes, this interview should provide a better picture to her current motivations and feelings now than the chook one which is really quite old. Aloevera over at the freeones boards might provide some translations -
but that's entirely up to him.
The other person is Monroe (Монро), a transvestite actually. He/She appeared on this familiar Lobanov pic, in case you didn't notice
Well spotted.
Near the end of part 2 she seems to tell that for the last 5 years she has been living in an apartment in Kiev with her brother and sister and doesn't have a car.
Hi 'King'. Thanks for sharing that 'tidbit'. How were you able to discern that information? Do you have the cabability to translate? If so. Is it into English?
She seems to be so mature, sophisticated and in control in the interview. I watched all four segments and there were only a couple of times where she appeared to be slightly embarrassed or flustered by a particular question but she quickly regained her composure and control. It was fun just watching her body language and listening to her voice, even though I didn't understand a word. It would be wonderful to have the entire interview in an understandable format.
All right. Out of respect for the forum that first brought this interview to my attention, I'm going to post my transcription right here on Props to djmax for bringing this to light, and I hope you enjoy what she has to say.
As far as what she has to say is concerned, I've only listened to the first quarter of the interview. So far, it's been pretty standard business: how she became a model, what it's like to pose for Playboy, blah blah blah. Most of you have already heard (and I don't doubt that some of you have even memorized) a lot of the facts you're going to hear in the first video. But I'm optimistic that since, in this video, she is talking to a "woman" interviewer (as opposed to a douchebag fratboy radio talk show host like the last one I interpreted) she may be a little more forthcoming about personal details. That said, the "hostess" as the Fifth King has pointed out should probably be referred to as a "host," so we'll see what we can get out of it.
Regarding the date of the interview, it's anybody's guess, but I think she was saying her age was 26 in this one, so for those of us who know her current age, it's obvious it was done sometime in 2009-2010. And while a lot of the talk has been about Playboy, I'm not sure the interview was actually done by Playboy. It's not really their style to go in depth, and Monroe said something about being on Maxi TV. whatever the hell that is.
In fact it's (Макси-ТВ ). It has nothing to do with Playboy, although the P-word gets mentioned an awful lot in this interview. is an all female tv channel from Ukraine and Monroe has a weekly talkshow Розмови про ЦЕ (apparently Maxxi consider her being a legitimate female).
"But I'm optimistic that since, in this video, she is talking to a "woman" interviewer (as opposed to a douchebag fratboy radio talk show host like the last one I interpreted) she may be a little more forthcoming about personal details"
When the conga drums kick in and the camera zooms in on her face - it can only mean that she is being very forthcoming indeed about personal details. (Well, hm, unless the sound engineer was just playing around, I guess it doesn't mean that though.)
So far I think the interview has been quite interesting. She comes across as being very modest, and I like that. I also like the sound of this kniga - where do I get my signed copy?
Monroe (Maxi TV hostess): Welcome lovely ladies, as well as all the many gentlemen out there, who have the pleasure of joining my guest for today, Playboy's Playmate of the Year Yevgeniya Diordiychuk. I, Monroe, am your host today on Maxi TV. Looking at this young lady, I was, to be honest, quite amazed that she is willing to show off all of her assets, yet today, my dear, why are you in such a modest dress?
Jenya: (laughs) I'm a little tired of being naked, I guess, so I decided to go a bit modest today.
M: Please explain to the Ukrainian ladies out there, and to me as well, what a Playmate is, and how it differs from the Playmate of the Year?
J: It's the girl that is chosen as the top girl of the year, out of those that were published throughout that particular year.
M: That is, from the twelve girls who end up on the pages of Playboy every month, they pick one winner. And that girl gets to do a separate pictorial?...
J: Yes, she then appears on the cover.
M: So, the Playmate, does she always end up on the cover of the magazine or not?
J: The Playmate of the Month, no. She's just on the inside, on the centerfold. But the Playmate of the Year gets to be on the cover.
M: And what kind of privileges does the Playmate of the Year receive?
J: Well, to be honest, none really. It just boosts your ego.
M: That's it?
J: Well, for me, that's it. Because I don't plan on starting a singing career, or acting in movies, I don't really want to use it like that.
M: And why not?
J: I just think that singers are the ones who should be singing, dancers should be dancing, actors should be acting. And if you're a model, then you should be a model.
M: Let's start at the beginning: where did your ambitions for erotic modeling come from?
J: It really happened on accident. Honestly, I was a very modest little girl...
M: I'd say that you look pretty modest right now.
J: A timid girl, you could say. So I just sort of turned out like this somehow.
M: No, so how did it all start? How did you get into it?
J: I really didn't do anything. I caught the eye of a photographer and we did a shoot.
M: Were you looking into magazines or into televeision?
J: No, none of that. I simply undressed in front of the camera, and that was it. I went to a photoshoot and they asked me to do it topless. I said yes. And that's all.
M: Mmhmm.
J: It was all really simple.
M: And how old were you?
J: Eighteen.
M: Eighteen years old. Were you going to school?
J: Yes, I was studying at the LEGPROM [I believe she's talking about the University of Technology and Design in Kiev] and I was majoring in clothing design. And so that's how it happened—I just stumbled upon it.
M: And did you like it? What were your first impressions? Was it easy for you to take your clothes off?
J: Taking my clothes off wasn't hard, because at first I just did shoots topless. Then I saw photos of a certain photographer from Kiev. I liked them and I started taking my clothes off completely.
M: But you were never interested in photography before that?
J: Uh, no.
M: So that was foreign to you.
J: Uh, I wouldn't say it was foreign.
M: You had just browsed it before.
J: I had never even looked at it. And in fact I didn't look too kindly upon nude women at that time. But seeing as how I'm a professional artist, it's okay with me now. Because I myself have drawn the nude form, and I know what the human body is, male and female.
M: Have you always liked your own body?
J: No. I used to not like it. I had a whole bunch of insecurities. I used to think my chest was too big, because by the time I was fifteen I already had a healthy C cup.
M: And on a figure like yours, which is not very tall. How tall are you?
J: 5'6”. I'm small! (smiles)
M: You are a picture model. And did you actively try to develop your own career, or was it a natural progression? You were in a photoshoot, the pictures turned out nice, and you just...
J: Well, not exactly.
M: ...step by step, as I like to say.
J: No, it wasn't exactly step by step. It was a crazy sort of random act. We did the shoot through the internet, and as a personality, an internet personality, I became very popular.
M: I know that you have a pseudonym.
J: Yes, and it wasn't me who thought it up. That is, some Americans did it. And around that they made an entire website.
M: But you didn't know about this.
J: I had no idea. I only found out about it a year and a half later.
M: Now what kind of ass... I mean scumbag, sorry, is what I meant to say, would post your pictures?
J: I also thought he was a scumbag. But now I'm very glad that it happened.
M: That was your launching pad.
J: Well, not that it was a launching pad. But my outlook on life changed quite a bit. By nature I'm a very categorical person. That is, for me things were always one way or the other, black or white. Now I understand that, in principle, you can't judge anything. Every individual can spend his life doing whatever he wants. He can have his own opinions. Somebody else can look at life completely differently than you do.
M: I see what you're saying, but...
J: Like, talking about nude photography, for models like me, it's difficult to live in our society.
M: Why? You mean Ukrainian society?
J: Yes. If you go over to Europe, there's a completely different attitude. There, you are a star. Truly. You get tons of respect. But here, you don't. You go onto a site like Odnoklassniki [the popular Russian classmates site] and some religious dude comes on and starts to tell you about how you're going to burn in hell.
M: Does that upset you?
J: It used to upset me. Now it doesn't. I don't care.
M: You understand that your body is being viewed under a microscope.
J: Of course.
M: How did you come to the point where you thought of yourself as the best, the most beautiful, and that you had become popular?
J: Well, I don't consider myself the best or the most beautiful.
M: Oh you don't?
J: No, I consider myself quite popular. But again, it was totally by accident; I never aspired to it.
M: You've never wanted to create a pseudonym for yourself?
J: I already have one, and I can't seem to get rid of it.
M: Would you mind saying it, because I don't want to mispronounce it.
J: I have two pseudonyms. There's Katie Fey. Yeah, I don't know why they gave me that name. And then there's Jenya D.
M: Have you done a shoot for Playboy America?
J: For the American version, no.
M: Why not?
J: Well because I, uh, well, I tried to find a way over there. But it was too early because there was already a Playboy in Ukraine. And it was very difficult to communicate with them. [I think that's what she said. It doesn't make any sense to me either]
M: And the Ukrainian edition is only five years old?
J: Yes, five years old. And it was much simpler to do things through them.
M: You, Yevgeniya Diordiychuk, can't just write to the editors of Playboy America, show your pictures and say I want to be on the pages your magazine?
J: It doesn't work like that. That just doesn't happen. Nobody reads those letters. The only way you can get into Playboy America is by going through our local Playboy. But I did have one chance. I was supposed to fly over to shoot for Playboy America. I was invited to a shoot of “The Best Playmates from Around the World.” But for some unknown—or maybe known—reason, I didn't make it over there. Another girl went.
M: A Ukrainian. A blonde girl, if I remember correctly?
J: Yeah. So it turned out that literally two days before I flew out—I had my visa and my bags were packed—they apologized to me, told me...
M: So long, honey.
J: Yeah.
M: Tell me, Jenya, how does one get into the Ukrainian edition of Playboy? Or into different publications of the same genre? What do you need to do? A glamour model who's just starting out, who might look at you and say she's got what it takes?
J: There are many different ways.
M: What's the most important way?
J: The most important way is the most simple way. There is a simplest way: find yourself a producer, make him interested in you...
M: So without a producer, you're nobody?
J: Without a producer nobody is going to listen to you. You need to start out with tiny little video clips. For me, my first clip came out five years ago. It was some kind of little casting clip, it had a little picture and it said who you are, what you do, and so on. And it was three and a half years afterward that I became Playmate of the Month.
M: But you at that time had a producer.
J: No, I don't have a producer.
M: So you knock it all out yourself?
J: Yeah, there's nobody else.
M: Are you attached to any modeling agency?
J: I'm attached to one, but it was also sort of a random setup. It was just a formality and I don't ever do any work with them.
M: Did you ever have to go through a “casting couch” or are you against that sort of thing?
J: I'm absolutely against it.
M: Everything is done professionally in your life. You go to a shooting session, they tell you beforehand what type of shoot it will be, you get undressed and then you just get to work?
J: Well, I think they don't really need to tell me what type of shoot it will be because I already understand what Playboy is. There's no reason to talk it over. And if you're a pro, if you already know what you're doing...
M: Did you learn somewhere how to pose in front of the camera?
J: It's all just experience. I've been working since I was eighteen, so basically for eight years.
M: Let's recall your second experience, the one after your first photoshoot. You go out onto the set, and do you feel a little bit more relaxed?
J: Yes. I really enjoyed the process.
M: Do you do sessions often?
J: The last time I had a shoot was two days ago. I'm getting ready to publish a book in English, Spanish, and Russian.
M: You know English and Spanish?
J: No, it's going to be translated. At first it will be in Russian.
M: What will your book be about?
And another thing I found very interesting was the discussion about the other Ukrainian girl that pushed her out of the way. Monroe said something about a blonde girl, but when you think about it, who was the other high profile Ukrainian model who recently made it to America to shoot for playboy? Initials are D.A.?.... I think Hefner's new eastern european playmate of the year Dasha might have barely edged out Jenya. If that's true, that is some bad bad timing. Jenya could have made a huge splash here. and while Dasha is a class act, Jenya's got the edge over her in my book.
You mean Даша Астафьева (Dasha Astafieva), and indeed she's not blonde.
For those unfamiliar: "She is the rumored new Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend.She won Stars Factory, which is a Ukranian reality TV program.After that she started a musical career(NikitA Ukrainian pop-group) and worked as a hot fashion model. She posed nude for Playboy Ukraine, and was subsequently honored with their prestigious Playmate of the Year for 2007. She was selected to be Playboy's January 2009 Playmate of the Month and she is the 55th Anniversary Playmate." (Facebook).
(Wish Женя had a decent Facebook page of her own as well)
This is very, very interesting, Al0evera. :)
Thanks for your work, you are helping us really a lot.
Thank you so much alOevera. This was a wonderful translation. Each time we are treated to her spoken words, more of her personality is revealed. The manner in which she carries herself in a photo shoot, her facial expressions and fabulous smile can only reveal so much to us. We are finding that she is a very intelligent, grounded young lady who seems to take everything that life hands her in stride whether it be fame or disappointment. Eugenia is really a rather likeable young lady. We appreciate your efforts and look forward to possible future translation of the remainder of the interview. Thanks again.
His translations are great, aren't they? You couldn't pay for a professional translator to do a better job.
p.s. I'm looking forward to part two. I think she says she loves latex at one point and then whips are mentioned... we'll have to wait and see...
I must say, this interview so far is much easier to translate than the last one i did. This one is 100% Russian, whereas every couple of minutes in the last one I had to strain my ears to listen to some Ukrainian host trying to verbally feel up his guest. That last one from the radio show, by the way, isn't finished yet. I still have like 15 minutes of interview left to turn into English. There was some good stuff in it too, if i remember correctly.
It's my pleasure to interpret this shite. It's gold. As a bonus, i'm learning plenty of new Russian words myself as I go along.
djmax, if I didn't know any better, I would think that you were actively seeking to learn the language of your love. Is it true that jenya has inspired you to take up Russian? ;)
It's more a case that she's inspired me to crawl on my bare hands and knees through an obstacle course of Russian and I've picked up a few words in the process :)
For now I'm quite happy with this slow process of infusing the language rather than actively learning. And besides, my rolled r's are flat. I just cannot get the hang of that trill or tap. I read where somebody said make a machine gun sound? People have queried my sanity...
Here's part II. This one was a bit harder. Monroe started asking really personal questions, which made Jenya a little flustered, and when she's flustered she speaks really fast. So I missed a few words, but not the main ideas. Also there's some weird fucking tribal music going on 2 or 3 times during the interview. Hard to hear the voices. But we got through it. I think Fifth King and djmax will be happy to find that their translations have held up through the scrutiny.
J: The book will basically be about modeling life. People's lives. There will be a glamorous side of the story, and then there's the other side, the one behind the scenes that the girls live in. It will be very provocative.
M: Now, you understand that the professional lifespan of a model is relatively short, particularly for the erotic type of model? Because skinny girls in clothes can walk the catwalk for a long time. But as for photo models...
J: Not exactly! I think you may be a bit mistaken.
M: Really?
J: Glamour models can go longer. If you take care of yourself, if you look young, then you can shoot until you're 35. The important thing is that you look good in the image. It doesn't matter how old you are.
M: But in the image you still need to give off that certain erotic emotion.
J: That all just comes automatically.
M: Well sure, at 23 you may have that fire in your eyes, but at 35?...
J: It can also be there at 35. It's just a game. You undress, you do your thing. If you're a good model you know how to be an actress in front of the camera, know how to create excitement, to have that sexiness in your eyes. That's also a game.
M: And you don't get all wound up by this?
J: No.
M: You just come, flip a switch, and say “Today, I'm a sexy nurse!” or whatever role you do.
J: No no! I hate those characters. Nurses, schoolgirls, I think it's terrible.
M: Why's that?
J: It all just looks so stupid, to be honest.
M: Stupid? But men get aroused by that, staring at a nurse in her uniform.
J: But men are very odd creatures, as we already know.
M: But you are working for men. You shoot for men's magazines.
J: Honestly, I don't do it for men. I do it for myself, because I like it. It's not at all for the men. I've exposed myself before as a women, and no man has ever opened me up like erotic modeling has. Not one.
M: Well, tell us what kinds of role-playing you like to do.
J: (embarrassed) No. I don't know. I don't do any role-playing.
M: I mean are you aggressive, or playful like a cat... what do you like to do best as a model, I guess is a better way to ask.
J: I like whips, I like latex, I love harshness [or hand-motions, I can't tell] in photos. I love all of that.
M: So you bust out the whips and start going at it? [this is all way out of my range, I'm just getting the basic idea here]
J: I try to be delicate when using violence... [I think]
M: And are you the same in your private life?
J: Umm, in my private life? [snickers] Well in general I'm sort of shy. As far as men go, no, I'm not really like that.
M: I can see that you're quite an experienced woman.
J: Maybe, I don't know.
M: Don't roll your eyes, that's offensive.
J: [laughs] To be honest I don't know what experience is.
M: You don't know?
J: I don't know what experience is.
M: You've been working since you were eighteen and you don't know what experience is?
J: In work yes, in life no.
M: Are you stable in your relationships with men?
J: Umm, very unstable. I can even be annoyed by a pair of shoes that are unpolished. More often than not, I end up being more powerful than the men that surround me, in a psychological way, in everything really.
M: So you start to dominate him, and he begins to annoy you?
J: Yeah. If I feel that a man is weaker than me, then I simply leave.
M: So is it impossible for you to get to know men at all?
J: I can, of course. If I REALLY like him, but that is very rare.
M: Very rare? Tell me about the last time that happened.
J: The last time was last summer.
M: Mmhmm. And where was this?
J: It was in a _________ [sorry! She talks too fast here. She could be saying a storefront or a cafe, but maybe not]. I was crazy for this one guy, who I was seriously in love with. But unfortunately, it turned out that the man was married...
M: And that sort of man is a taboo for you.
J: I wouldn't say it's a taboo. I think it's taboo when you fall in love with a married man. When you understand that you're in love, then it's already become dangerous. It's going to hurt you and him, and you need to cut off the relationship at the right time.
M: And you do that deliberately, break it off. Because you can clearly see that you're going to suffer.
J: Yes.
M: Are you pretty passionate by nature?
J: Very.
M: Do you ever break dishes, throw vases?
J: No, I just turn around and walk out. I don't get involved in anything.
M: And you don't tell anybody off?
J: Well, yeah, I can get rough.
M: Do you ever get a foul mouth?
J: I cuss like crazy. I have a very dirty mouth. Like now, I'm sitting here, and I'm seriously holding myself back.
M: I also do that...
J: When I'm describing things, I want to swear so bad. Just speak real Russian.
M: Of course, I have a very natural question. And that is, is there ever any flirting, and also any further relations between the photographer and the erotic model after a photoshoot?
J: I've heard of that, but I will honestly tell you, honestly, I have never had a romance with a photographer.
M: But they pay you a certain kind of attention, just like I'm looking at you right now, even if you are in that dress of yours.
J: Whenever I go to a photographer, I always go fully dressed, because I know that there is no need to provoke people. You come in order to work. So you need to come covered in a shirt, so nobody can sneak a peak. Because when people start to sleep with each other, that brings the cooperative working relationship to an end.
M: Even if you really want to.
J: Even if you want to. Because today you might want to, and tomorrow you won't! That's what happens.
M: So today you want it, and tomorrow you don't!
J: Or maybe tomorrow you want somebody else.
M: Well sure, you've got to give everyone their due.
J: [laughs] Of course.
M: What about oligarchs, millionaires, the like, do they hit on you?
J: They hit on me, try to find me.
M: Try to find you? How do they do that? I wish they would look for me too...
J: There are just some people who bother themselves with searching you out. They find out your phone number, propose some kind of project, you go to the project, a real project. For example, I was offered to do a photoshoot in some theater in Moscow, I came in, they brought me to the set--
M: And this was all paid for?
J: Completely. I go to Moscow, they put me up in this kick-ass hotel. Then they take me to the set, they introduce me to the director, the actors--
M: It's all for real!
J: It's all real. They show me the screenplay, “We've written a part specially for you. You are the modern-day Juliet. You have the perfect face. You are incredible.” They give me a few lessons on how to play to the camera. And then they take me to eat at a restaurant. For lunch. And at that moment, somebody comes and sits down next to me. He starts proposing to me and, you know...
M: I would have said yes, I'm just being honest, after such a spectacle that they threw in your honor. I would have said “Well, allright. Let's do it.”
J: Well, it's just that when it happens every so often--
M: And this didn't just delight you? The first time, you know, they orchestrated this entire setup for you.
J: It didn't delight me so much as anger me, because I truly did want to be in a movie at that time. And I was terribly disappointed. I realized that it wasn't me that they were inviting to be in a movie. Some dude just wanted to propose to me.
M: Don't you think that by associating with well-off men, you can actually make a shortcut on the way to your dreams?
J: Well, if I ever did...
M: So you don't associate with them? At all?
J: No. I don't have any wealthy lovers.
M: So you're just a working girl?
J: Yeah. I've lived in the same apartment for the past five years. I don't have a car. I live very modestly with my brother and sister who I brought out here from the Donetsk province. I don't have anybody like that.
M: And you've never had one?
J: No, of course I've had men like that, but not many.
M: Did you accept gifts from them?
J: Not any comprehensive gifts. [that's the best I could do. She actually said “global gifts” but who knows what that means]
M: There weren't any or you didn't accept them?
J: No, I just didn't accept them. No apartments, no cars. I just, my internal reason always sets in: if I accept this gift, and then tomorrow I suddenly meet the man of my dreams, he will be very curious as to how I got an apartment in the middle of Kiev--
M: You just tell him.
J: I don't think a man would like to hear that.
M: Do you consider yourself unworthy to receive such gifts? It seems to me you're just the opposite.
J: Oh, every woman is worthy. I just want my future to turn out okay.
M: How do you see your future?
J: I see it, I see it with a man who I will love very much, and he will be crazy in love with me, there will be mutual love. We'll have children.
M: You believe in love?
J: I believe in love.
Great stuff alOevera. THANKS for your continued effort. She really seems to have a plan. I sincerely hope it all works out for her in her personal life. That statement about why she didn't accept gifts from men, like an apartment in Kiev, was quite revealing. It speaks to her character that she would think about the feelings of the yet to be determined "man of her dreams" at the time such an offer was presented to her. She is living proof that women so thoughtful and considerate do exist somewhere in this world. I wonder if it is a cultural or Eastern European mentality. I have not seen this thought process by women in the US. Particularily not in the last 40 years. Bravo Eugenia!
It is also comforting to hear that she hasn't lost the 'spark' or her desire to model and that she thinks she can continue for several years. I have felt from the moment that I laid eyes on her that she was an actress before the still camera. She mentions that craft as a reason for her continuing success along with the maintenance of her beautiful body. Here's to many more years of soaking in the beauty of our enchantress.
Jeff, it definitely isn't an Eastern European mentality. They want fame and wealth just as much as Americans do and are willing to sell even more of their soul to get it.
Then she truely is a rarity. I sure like and respect her values and thought process. A class act!
"I can even be annoyed by a pair of shoes that are unpolished"
Oh dear, that's me out the door! Unkempt hair and scrumpled shirts are something of my speciality.
"I cuss like crazy. I have a very dirty mouth. Like now, I'm sitting here, and I'm seriously holding myself back."
Yeah, you can hear that in some of the Katie Fey movies. It made me laugh when I learnt what some of the stuff meant.
Ok guys, great job here, but i just got this message from our contact with Jenya:
found out some discrepancies.
Jenya's trip to USAhas broken. Absolutely other girl is guilty of it.
Her name is Irina Olhovskaja. And her trip was not fair, because is not
the playmate of the month or of the year. Hugh Hefner personally has
confirmed Jenya for this trip, but the editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian
Playboy has prevented her trip. Ukraine always was famous for the
developed corruption."
I'm afraid I don't understand the logic behind this information - I Love Her. I have difficulty believing that if Hugh Hefner wanted Jenya to come to America on behalf of Playboy, that the editor and chief of the Ukrainian edition of Playboy would dare to risk his magazine's relationship with Mr. Hefner, and his worldwide organization, by 'prohibiting' Jenya from going to the US. This does not seem, on the surface, very plausible to me. In fact it would seem to be a short sited if not outright foolish move on the editor's part. Unless there are 'other' factors.
I'm sure there is more to this mystery. Can you get additional details? I am sure that the folks in Playboy's International Publishing Department in Chicago are interested in having her grace the pages of a USA edition. When I purchased the Ukrainian and Polish Playboy magazines from them last fall, that possibility was discussed. I received the definite feeling that Playboy US would welcome that possibility.
... the cancer of our world.... Jenya is 1,000 times better than that plastic blonde... but anyway...
DOuble post... I do not why... please erase it :)
Aloevera, even our beloved Jenichka reads you, you are now officially famous! /end ego rub :)
This would be the usurper in question (no stone throwing, please):
Wow D.J. I know Hefner prefers blondes but there is no comparison between the natural sparkling beauty of Eugenia and this cold "plastic" imposter. It just makes no sense to me that Hefner would invite Jenya to America and then replace her or allow her to be replaced by this woman. As I mentioned to I_Love_Her, I believe there is another story beneath the surface concerning this injustice.
Thanks for giving us the name of this apparently evil woman. In Russian it's Ирина Ольховская, if you want to find out more about her. In fact she looks rather scary. And Mr. Хью Хефнер is a weird man.
"... is a weird man."
I think you just described all the forum members?
M: And you understand that love doesn't go on forever. What you might call "love" now is actually just passion.
J: Yeah, but I think it's precisely that kind of passion that raises children--good, beautiful children--when you are out of your minds in love with each other. And their future will be bright. Children should be raised in...
M: Do you plan on meeting such a man here in this country?
J: Well, I know for sure that it's not going to be a foreigner.
M: Definitely not a foreigner.
J: Definitely.
M: Why?
J: Mmmmm, I don't know why... I like the Slavic soul, Slavic men.
M: ...who don't quite fully accept you. [Jenya blushes, looks embarrassed] Do you realize that in our country, you will always be... not exactly "liberated," but a ___________ girl? In a general sense of the word. [she said this way too fast. The feeling is that it's something about an outcast or an outsider]
J: I'll put it this way, I don't live within popular society. I just don't live there. My society is in a different place. I've got my own world, my own social circle.
M: Who are these people?
J: It's all different sorts of people. It's photographers, it might just be students, it's totally all different kinds of people.
M: Jenechka, when you move into a different social plane, in accordance with your popularity and your income, these people are going to gradually move away from you.
J: I've seen what can happen...
M: Or do you suppose that once you become the owner of a fabulous country estate with fancy cars and various other pleasures that this social circle will still be with you? Is that what you are striving towards?
J: I'm striving towards my family. I know that my own family, the one that I have right now--my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister--they will always be close to me. All those other people, they might come or go from your life. You can't do anything about it. That's how it's always been and how it always will be. I honestly believe today that there's no such thing as feminine friendship.
M: You don't have any girlfriends?
J: As of right now, no.
M: Did you destroy those friendships?
J: No. I think that they were the ones who destroyed them.
M: Were they jealous of you?
J: I don't think so. There's always some kind of rivalry between women. Always. And when I see that, I start to get super annoyed. When your relationships turn into some kind of race, that should never happen in human relations. Therefore it's better to not have girlfriends at all.
M: So it's only friendships between men and women?
J: Yes, but only after you've had sex.
M: [taken aback] Seriously?
J: Of course!
M: That's an interesting comment.
J: Otherwise, it's going to happen regardless at a later time. Or else, it doesn't happen at first, but you will eventually start wanting it. If you want to have a friendship with a man, you've got to have sex with him from the start. And then you'll have a friendship.
M: You've never been married?
J: Nope.
M: Have you had ___________ [too fast]
J: No. [says something else too fast]
[commercial break]
M: Tell me Jenya, how much does a glamour model earn?
J: It totally depends. You don't just do one photoshoot and then collect your money.
M: I don't quite understand what a model's job is. To our viewers, it just seems like some easy deal, where you open up some champagne and sit around and talk.
J: [laughs] That's just ignorance.
M: Well then I'm ignorant too. Please explain what the daily work consists of.
J: It consists of--
M: When you don't have any photoshoots, when you have to constantly be in shape, yet nobody wants you.
J: First, so that things can change in your life--from that negative state that you just described--you just really need to love yourself. You'll have people that surround you, but then there's you, right now. So you live with yourself, and with your loved ones, of course, and you believe in yourself. And that's enough.
M: Have you ever had depression?
J: Of course.
M: As a result of not being in demand?
J: I've always been in demand, as an erotic model. I've never had it so that there was some kind of standstill.
M: So what does a model have to do in order to earn money? Where should she shoot? Catalogs? Work at exhibitions?
J: At exhibitions you'll never make any money. I work for magazines as well of course. An erotic model can only make good money in today's world by working on the internet. That's the only way. Because that other stuff doesn't pay.
M: At all.
J: No, it pays some money, of course, but it's just change. It will get you to the next day.
M: So for the internet, is it certain sites?
J: There are all different sorts of sites. And different models will work for different sites.
M: What type of sites are these?
J: Erotica, very explicit erotica.
M: Explicit erotica. Solo? Or is it with a group?
J: It could be with a group of other girls.
M: With a group of hot-blooded mulattos? [yes, those were her exact words]
J: No, only girls.
M: Mmm?
J: I've only had one shoot with a man for a magazine. I really enjoyed it by the way.
M: That was with an actor, I believe.
J: Yeah, it was Denis Nikiforov. It was very...
M: He's the main character of the film "Shadowboxing." His most famous film, right?
J: Yes.
M: And how did you feel on the studio floor with a man? You were nude and he was clothed.
J: Ah, I was wearing little panties. [laughs]
M: Mmmhmmm. And your impressions of working with a man?
J: May I plead the fifth? [looks away, laughs]
M: I can see it in your eyes. You wanted to continue with the shoot afterwards.
J: Well, we couldn't have continued, because I met his wife, a wonderful girl, insanely beautiful. And of course I have a sense of feminine duty. Of course we didn't do anything. I think that Denis would never have done that, because work is work.
M: But the urge came over you?
J: Of course it did. There's no way it couldn't have.
M: Do you get paid by the photoset, or is it done over a period of time as your photos are put onto a website?
J: No, it's a one-time payment.
M: And what kind of money are we talking about?
J: It can be $5,000, $10,000.
M: This is for one photosession?
J: Yes for one day of shooting.
M: And for one day of shooting you're totally nude?
J: Yeah. And sometimes you might get only $1,000. I mean, for friends I can do it for free.
M: Is there competition in your business?
J: I'm sort of separated from that.
M: Oh come on, be honest.
J: No, honestly. I don't associate with those types of models. Really. I have my own life that I live. I don't hang around those types, I don't know where they hang out, what they do. I know that currently, among all the Ukrainian erotic models, I'm the most well-known and most popular on the internet and abroad. So essentially I don't feel competition at this time. Maybe, of course, later on it will appear. Time will go on and my chest will be sitting somewhere around here... [points to stomach area]
M: Have you ever been present on a shoot for a porn film?
J: No.
M: A porn photoshoot?
J: No. No.
M: Do we have any filmmakers in Ukraine who make porn films?
J: Of course there are. I actually don't know any of their names, but I know that pornos are made here, just like in St. Petersburg, for instance.
M: Oh yeah, I know, over there, they even shot one scene in the ________________ [some place in St Petersburg]
J: [winces] Oy.
M: They were handing them out for cheap. It's quite a disgusting spectacle, of course, but...
J: I can--I'm okay with pornography. I can even, if it's a beautiful porno, I can sit down and watch it, why not. I'm a living, breathing human being. I occasionally need sex, something passionate.
M: Are you dating someone right now?
J: No.
M: Do you have a sweetheart?
J: No.
M: What qualities must one possess in order to win over Yevgeniya Diordiychuk, Playmate of the Year for Playboy magazine?
J: He has to be a very kind person. Not necessarily handsome. I mean, exterior qualities don't interest me. He must be neat, take care of himself.
M: Clean.
J: Yes, clean. He must be a peaceful kind of person, and he needs to sort of rise above others. You know, like when you see someone, he should be "not of this world." He should understand everything about life. Truly everything. He should be very real.
M: You've never had a desire to move abroad? Because people don't treat the girls of Playboy the same here.
J: Going abroad, no. I haven't had that desire. Here I'm just fine. If someone says something that I don't like I'll just give him the finger and that's that.
M: You seem to be quite comfortable with yourself.
J: Yes.
M: You don't pay attention to what's going on outside.
J: Absolutely. I do what I want and I live how I want. I advise everyone to do the same.
M: But you understand that there are many different senses of reality. Does that upset you?
J: No. I'm only upset by, like when I watch the Paralympic Games, for instance, and I see people without arms and legs. And they're working towards something, and it upsets me that healthy people can't be that strong. Wars upset me. Hungry children upset me. Everything else doesn't even faze me at all.
Thanks alOevera. Very revealing. Sensitive, confident, considerate, sensuous and driven. I like her values. Interesting thoughts on friendship with men. I DEFINITELY want to be HER friend!!! I love the initiation process.
"I love the initiation process"
hahahaha totally agree with you, I think the same when I read it ahaha
I gotta say, I think her attitude to relationships is a bit fucked up. This said, I am fully willing to undergo the initiation process to become her friend
On another note, it's interesting to see that she doesn't have any issue with what she calls "beautiful" pornography. I was wondering if perhaps she'd find it all condemnable, and am pleasantly surprised that I was proven wrong.
Oh, and Denis Nikiforov - that jammy bastard! It should have been one of us in that shoot.
Umm. YEAAAH. I had to listen to that bit about her "friendships" a few times to make sure I wasn't getting it wrong.
To be totally honest, I have my doubts about the whole deal. It was a strange section of the interview, where she actually took control of it a bit and started volunteering all this stuff about male friendships. And then the whole section ended abruptly with a commercial break and a shot of Monroe winking and waving. Regarding her lack of female friends, for some reason that seems more believable. And even that she has more guy friends than girl friends, that seems right for her. But sex initiations? Come ON. Have you ever heard that from ANY girl, much less from a girl that hot? That shit doesn't happen in real life. I think i'm going to have to fall on the this-is-just-fodder-for-the-rabid-porn-fan-animals side of the fence this time.
If she repeats it again in another interview, I might start to come around. But I'm going to bet this was just a tease (with a glimmer of hope that it's true and that when I visit Kiev one day i'll just happen to run into her at a coffeeshop and she'll invite me back to her place to cook me some Ukrainian borsch....)
It's sounds pretty unrealistic. I mean isn't the crude analysis of men that we are your friends before sex and then we disappear afterwards?
Correct DJ. Most women I know will NOT have sex with a male friend for fear of losing that friendship after they have shared sex. We already know however, that Jenya is not a conventional woman. She has chosen to be a sensuous model, displaying her nude beauty, in a country that frowns on such a career. She accepts whatever negativity comes her way and pushes on with her vocation. She possesses an introspective thought process that has also proven to be unconventional. Although she currently poses nude on the WWW, she will not do pornography nor will she accept "lavish gifts" which might lead her to compromise her values or force her to explain to the prospective "man of her dreams" how she could afford such "gifts". A woman with this thought process is not prone to do anything in a frivolous manner.
Her time is consumed by her career, her family and I would guess, a FEW SELECT (and VERY fortunate) male friends. If she puts as much thought into those friendships as she does the rest of her life, I am guessing that the emphasis is on SELECT FEW. There is no reason to beileve that she casually adds male friends at a whim. She seems to value any relationship she has outside of her family. I would guess that she gives friendships considerable thought prior to consumating them. Especially considering the qualification process she has established for such friendships.
In watching her facial expressions and body language during that portion of the interview focusing on male friendships, she seemed quite sincere. She smiled a bit sheepishly immediately after her answer to the question (knowing that it was an unconventional answer) and then immediately explained her reasoning. I think she meant what she said.
My guess is that Jenya is very selective.
Ok, there's another video. She seems more anxious this time (edit: hm, she seems quite upset too at one pount, I hope this is for no bad reason (and I really wish they wouldn't vulgarly zoom in - give a person some space)):
Part 1:
Part 2:
Direct Downloads:
You were very quick indeed in spotting this interview!!/clap.gif">
Takes a bow. Waves to the crowds ;)
It broke my heart watching her try to hold back the tears. She was really shaken at that one point with the tears streaming down. Whatever the particular question, it was deeply personal and painful for Jenya to answer. It was sad seeing her so vulnerable covering her face trying to hide her pain. It would be very interesting to see the translations of this interview. I've only watched the 1st part and already this is a much tougher interview for her.
She seems, though, to be such an innately happy person. Even with the obviously difficult line of questioning her fabulous smile 'flashed' throughout.
Meanwhile part 3 is available on YouTube
This interview is also from MaxxiTV.
Because I can't edit my post for some reason (I hate you, drupal forums) here are the rest of the direct files:
Part 2 (re-upped):
Part 3:
Part 3 concludes the interview. It made for uncomfortable viewing on a few occasions.
Thanks so much DJ and 'King' for these wonderful posts of this new interview. Your investigative efforts are much appreciated. It appeared that as the interview progressed through parts 2 and 3 Jenya became more comfortable. However, this interview definitely probed more sensitive topics than the Monroe interview. I'm keeping my hopes up for a translation of this interview. It surely would reveal another layer of her captivating personality.
Part IV of the original interview that began this post:
M: How do you see yourself in ten years? Will you continue in this same business?
J: I will be a photographer.
M: You'll be a photographer. Making nude art?
J: Yes, exclusively.
M: Will it be men or women?
J: Women.
M: Only women. So you won't photograph men?
J: No, because nude men don't look quite right on camera.
M: So you are going to be a photographer on Ukrainian terrain.
J: Not just Ukraine. I want to...
M: Will you go through a course?
J: Why would I do that? I have a lot of experience with this work, in front of the camera.
M: You can see how everything works...
J: I've got the entire layout right here (points to head) after eight years of working.
M: This year you're turning 27. And you look wonderful. You have a lovely figure, and I realize that you're blessed with good genes. But still, we do get a little older with every passing year.
J: Absolutely.
M: So, how do you take care of yourself?
J: I wake up at early in the morning.
M: Regardless of what time you went to bed?
J: Yeah.
M: But you might stay out until 6:00 in morning.
J: Absolutely, I do. I can go out, get wasted, sing karaoke--although I have no idea how to sing.
M: Singing is not important in karaoke. What's is important is drinking.
J: Drinking! Yes, drinking is the most important thing.
M: Well, it's nice to... by the way, [looks at the camera] it's nice to have guests come on who openly declare their pleasures, and who, most importantly, are honest with themselves. And I hope you can experience the same thing. [to Jenya] Let's go on. What is your daily schedule?
J: I wake up early, and I go to bed around 11:30 or 12:00, unless I go out on the town. In that case, I can stay out until 6:00 in the morning.
M: And then you wake up later. Do you diet, are you constantly doing sports? You have a fabulous figure.
J: The past three years I haven't done any sports--no, the last two years--at all. As far as food goes, I can occasionally eat like crazy, but afterwards I know that I'll have to fast for a little while.
M: Cleanse yourself.
J: Yeah.
M: The most important thing to do in that situation is to love yourself.
J: Yep. And it's in the eyes. It's all in the eyes.
M: So tell me, a beautiful girl with curves and big eyes, does she have a realistic chance of succeeding in this business?
J: If she can answer one question: does she really want it?
M: So you need to understand if it's right for you.
J: Are you prepared to show yourself naked to the whole world? Because when you've shown yourself nude, basically there are no more secrets. You're an exposed person now. You just try not to let anything into your soul. There is no point in trying to hide anything about yourself or trying to keep up some kind of mystery. So she should understand what she's getting herself into. If she wants it, really wants it, then of course. But you always need to think hard about it. Because I know of some situations where girls got into it, who then seriously regretted it. Then men come into their lives, men who do not like what the women were involved in, and there are conflicts, divorces.
M: Do you think that women should do an erotic photoshoot for themselves?
J: Absolutely.
M: Regardless of age?
J: Regardless.
M: When she's mature, or when she's still young, or even when she's already in her sunset years.
J: Absolutely. Because the woman can then look at herself from that angle, you see? Because when a woman is nude, you can see everything. Not in the physical sense, everything, but in the spiritual sense. You can see her personality. Every women should definitely do some kind of photoshoot of herself.
M: Thank you so much for the conversation. I understand that beneath this smashing body a very businesslike woman is hiding, who clearly knows what she wants. And in the end, I believe you will achieve all sorts of success, because you have the most important feature: you're honest.
J: Thanks.
M: Maybe you weren't terribly candid with me, but you were honest. And that will open doors.
J: Thanks so much.
M: Ladies, as the model with the most experience in recent times, I urge you to preserve your beautiful bodies on film. Because as you look at yourself in ten years, you'll realize that you are the luckiest woman alive. There's nothing shameful about the nude body. And take advantage of this moment, while your peaches are still ripe. I am Monroe, and with us today has been Yevgeniya Diordiychuk, erotic model and also 2009 Playmate of the Year for Playboy.
Thanks alOevera for completing your wonderful translation of this interview. Your work is much appreciated. Jeff
Waking up early regardless of when you go to bed seems a strange way to me of keeping yourself fit!
As for "cleansing" yourself with fasting, that's a terrible idea too. Cleansing really means that you're starving your body of the essential nutrients that it needs to operate. I wouldn't run a car without petrol for a few miles to "cleanse" out the engine, for example.
//edit: I should be more precise. Running a caloric deficit will eventually cause the body to burn off fat for energy. That's the only way you will lose weight. What's important is that during that time you consume nutrient dense foods to compensate for the reduced calorie intake. There's also some evidence supporting the benefit of intermittent fasting, but that's another topic.