Well, I KNOW this will keep you up night, during the day, and any other time. If asked for a password, it is genie. Well, I KNOW this will keep you up night, during the day, and any other time. If asked for a password, it is genie.
Added snaps from the vide to the main post More later.
Wow, this looks incredibly hot. :slobbers:
Unfortunately though, the vimeo video is password protected. You reckon you could share this with us, or maybe upload the video somewhere? Thanks!
edit: Ok, the password is: genie
Yes, genie is password. When I first added link and tested, I wasn't asked for a password. Now it does.
Haha I knew it. I knew eventually they would upload some staff where she is nude. WOW. We must get more.
Yeah, well this is better than just nude. The way the camera catches the flow of her breasts in slow motion is, to say the least, elecrifying!
Disciples comments on Jenya.
Here it is, enjoy ;)
Thanks. I usually like her softer stuff with her stunning beauty on full display. However, the shear sensuality of this little video left me speechless. I swear I saw flames coming out of that tub. She sure knows how to set the mood. Instantly!