Remember that behind-the-scenes video we saw of her last fall for PlayboyTV? Well, it looks like her performance is finally going to be released as part of a new show on Playboy TV called Naked Ambition. There's a preview on youtube where you get to see a few beautiful seconds of her.
Although it says to join PlayboyTV for more, no episodes appear to have been released yet.
edit: Ok, seems it will premiere in the U.S. next Friday at 8 p.m.
Thanks D. J. Great find. It's about time Playboy got it in gear. I'm recording the program on my TV. I hope it meets with our expectations.
Yes, if what we've seen thus far is any indication, it will be a feast for the senses.
But one caveat - in Playboy's description it says only three models will be shown each episode, so we might not get to see her next Friday. This does means there should be ten minutes of airtime devoted to her hot casting though.
Now we need the video where she is in what appears to be grafitti decorated tunnel, and the one where she is using a water hose, and the one where words are shown against her body, and the one where . . . . . ..
Ok, here we are. This is a cropped verson of the show featuring just her scenes:
Length: 7M56S Size: 338MB Quality: 1080p, H.264
Glad you were able to get it so quickly D.J. I thought jenmyluv was going to have a stroke due to anticipation.
Wasn't she adorable?
He'll have a heart attack now instead!
She was fabulous. My senses are still tingling from the sensory overload they were just exposed to. Everything about her just amazes me.
I'll hold off on the stroking part until I see the vid!
That's a joke! A Joke! Jeff's the one who opened up the door!
You mean I only get "a" stroke? I want more than one!!!
Take as many as you need. My old 1st Sergeant in the Army used to say "Son it's against the Uniform Code of Military Justice to masturbate. But you can go in the shower and wash it as long and as hard as you like."
Feel free to 'clean up'.
You are awesome. I'll start downloading and watch asap.
I concur, I am awesome.
You are awesom, even though you don't live in the US. That's a joke! If you knew me you would know I have what has been described as a "dry" and sometimes "sarcastic" sense of humor. So, don't take a lot of my commnets seriously. Most are meant as humor. Life is too short to be serious most of the time.
Okay. Please forgive this computer illiterate seasoned citizen. Obviously I am doing something wrong, but what I don't know. I clicked the link you gave, it took me to Rapidgator I chose the slow download as I am not a member and it is free. When I clicked the download it started, then stopped and said I did not hold the button down long enough. What button and for how long? Can somebody help and is this a safe site. I also got a warning from my antivirus program.
As a rule of thumb I block all JavaScript on web pages with a browser plugin, then only allow some of the scripts on the pages, that saves me looking at ads and clicking buttons that are not the real thing, with rapidgator I had clicked the free download button, then entered the captcha text and then clicked the "Click here for Download" button on the next page, the file is downloading just fine, maybe you got caught in some ad. As soon as I get the video I will upload it here, no worries visual ;)
Edit: My comment may not be too helpfull without some computer science degree tho, my geek gets teh best out of me, sorry <.<
Mine worked John... and I used the slow FREE process also. I'm guessing it means the button you clicked on to start the down load. It took a couple hours to download on my old laptop but it's worth the wait if yours takes awhile too.
Thank You. I will try that, but will also be looking for your upload here. :D
I, too, have the same problem, so I am going to have to hold off on my heart attack. I press the free download button. It tells me it will begin downloading in 38 seconds. That comes and nothing happens. I will try again or wait until I_Love_Her downloads it.
I see some of you guys are having trouble downloading from rapidshare. I have added another link now to dropbox. This will let you watch the movie in your browser (at a lower quality) and download the file direct without any waiting or captcha.
Hey, DJ, don't know if you remember this or not, but this is the finiished product of the video clkp where she commented that they saw the real her and clapped when she left, but in a good way. She used a Russian phrase that you informed me referred to a time when nobility would send the serfs to dive for oysters (or some other food, fon't remember now) in the dead of winter. Remember?
Now all we need is the tv playby in the morning interview video!!
They've currently got up to episode 501. She appears in episode 503, so two more to go for her interview.
And about the quote - it was wintering crayfish.
Thanks DJ!!!
Here it is, thanks DJMax for getting it, you are Awesome!! :p