"But I do have some doubt about the effectiveness of your web spider, since I managed to find 2 more pics"
I've been having doubts myself. Do you have the url you found these from, so I could see what went wrong? Thanks. Ok, scratch that, found the page and the issue.
More: http://store.americanapparel.net/product/?productId=rsals316
Some More:
Victoria's Secret eat your heart out.
WOW! Especially the black-and-white shots are breathtaking :-D When have the pictures been taken?
If I understand correctly from earlier posts, very recently. There were some comments on here about her going to a casting call for this company.
She sure makes those clothes look sexy! Thanks Lextacy.
In spandex pants:
Spandex never looked better. Thanks D.J.
Great, djmax. Thanks. In this case, it's the woman who made the spandex look sexy, not spandex that made the woman look sexy.
You're welcome. I currently have a web spider scanning the whole store, so if there's anything with Jenya in, it should find it.
Thanks DJ, must have been pretty hard to find all these pictures. Bit messy this AA website design.
But I do have some doubt about the effectiveness of your web spider, since I managed to find 2 more pics
Hey, nice snatch Ton!
"But I do have some doubt about the effectiveness of your web spider, since I managed to find 2 more pics"
Do you have the url you found these from, so I could see what went wrong? Thanks.Ok, scratch that, found the page and the issue.You two guys just keep on searching. I'm enjoying every delicious discovery you make. Thanks.
New cover photo for Jenya's Facebook page from American Apparel.
Call me old fashioned but I like the territory she is moving in to. Good on her.
BUT in keeping with my general (traditional) adoration of her...her ass is looking amazing these days :P
Couple more.
Thanks for the pics. You are right. She looks gorgeous.
Now, these I don't think I've ever seen. THANKS!