ED.Com Supporter
The ED.Com Supporter badge is our way to say thanks those users that help us keep this tribute to Jenya alive.
Inspired By Jenya
This badge is awarded to those users that inspired by Jenya show us the artist in them publishing drawings, sketches, paintings, digital art or any other form of art dedicated to Jenya.
Video Master
The Video Master badge is our condecoration for those who spend their time digging the web to find valuable videos for our community.
Knowledge Keeper Badge
This badge is given to those who demostrate a great knowledge of Jenya's life, her picture sets or videos. Those who own this badge are proudly called Jenya's Knowlege Keepers.
Wallpaper Maker
This badge is given to those who can capture Jenya's beauty in a piece of art that brings joy to our desktops. Send us your creations and you can be one of Eugenia's Wallpaper Makers.
This badge is for those who can get what no one else can get. Pictures hunters, those with the lattest news about Eugenia, her life and work, our first hand information providers, our Paparazzis.
Any suggestion for new
Any suggestion for new badges or candidates are welcome :think:
what about all the wallpaper
what about all the wallpaper I made??
Our new Video Badge goes to
Our new Video Badge goes to mig_poyatos for is contribution on this thread http://eugeniadiordiychuk.com/board/videos-eugenia.html
Congratulations and keep going, there's never enough videos of Jenya :applause:
Because of his efforts
Because of his efforts to provide our community with the pictures of Jenya's Strip BlackJack, we gladly honor NeowithJenya with our Jenya's Paparazzi badge.
Because of his great
Because of his great coverage of Jenya's Playmate of the year party, we gladly honor The_Fifth_King with our Jenya's Paparazzi badge.