- She was married for 4 years before she got sick of her alcoholic husband
- Ukrainians constantly tell her she should be ashamed for what she
does. She thinks the rest of Europe is much more sexually accepting.
-. At the time of the interview she was 25.
- What she REALLY wanted to get into was not the Russian version of playboy, but the American version.
Depends the country and the people. Here in Mexico, still there are people with a close mind, some sexual issues are taboo and jobs like Jenya does are considered pure pornography. Not all Mexicans feel that way, for example, I am an open mind person, my friends can talk with me about any kind of issue, so as you can see, depends the people.
There's an update from alOvera from the FreeOnes Bulletin Board. In case you haven't read it:
"She says she and her husband divorced for different reasons. He got upset that she was doing nudie pictures, so she stopped, then started up again, and he got mad again. But she maintains that she didn't want to be with him anyway because he was an alcoholic.
She was a dancer from the age of 14 to 22. She did classical dance, flamenco, and another type I didn't understand.
She says that men are afraid of her in real life when they learn about her job, and that people in her country think a porn star would never make a good wife, only a "lover" or something. She also worries about her parents because she's from a small town where everyone knows everyone.
Besides her modeling career, she has a degree in fashion design. She says eventually she'll start designing clothes, but for now she'll keep modeling while she's young and before her "chest drops down to her belly button."
More later. that last thought is enough to deeply depress a man... "
She confirmed on the radio show what most of you probably already know, that she only shoots for two websites: Katie Fey and Met Art (just in case you are still searching somewhere else for obscure pictures). She said she doesn't like Katie Fey very much because it has girly pink colors and it makes her look like she's still 18, while she perfectly understands that she's no longer 18. The reason why she keeps doing it is because it's her original
setting, or at least I think that's what she said.
As far as met art goes, she had nothing but good things to say about
it. She loves her photographer (Sasha Voronin) and is very happy with
her work there.
Yes it looks like it - this is from Wikipedia: Sasha is a male and female given name. It originated in Russia and other countries of Eastern and Central Europe as a diminutive version of the names Alexander and Alexandra.
She's a size 3 (a "full" size 3 in her words). On certain days she
almost reaches a size 4. I don't know if that's bra size or dress size,
or even if ukrainian sizes are the same as American.
When asked what she thinks pornography is, she says something is porn
if above all it's silly in nature, and if it's not in demand or
"mainstream." When it becomes mainstream, it's no longer porn. Also,
she distinguishes porn (people having sex, girls in contact with some
kind of object like a vibrator) from non-porn (where a naked girl is
being photographed by herself). It seems like this is her way of saying
that what she does is most definitely NOT porn.
And then she went on to say that there's also a different type of
pornography: an overly tanned blonde in a pink dress. Then they both
started laughing. I didn't get the joke, but then again i'm not
ukrainian. I guess as a natural transition, the host asked her if she's
ever been blonde, and she said no. He asked if she ever wanted to, she
said no.
And here's the last one for now. The host asked her how she became
comfortable doing photoshoots for Voronin. She said that when she met
him, she had never taken her clothes off for a shoot, but after looking
at his portfolio, she immediately said "YES!" (If you're interested,
you can fast forward to minute 25:13 in the FLV and hear her say "DA!"
You can tell how excited she was to take her clothes off for this guy
just from that one word). Then the host asks if she was ever shy about
her body in front of other people in her personal life before she
started modelling. She says that once, she dated a guy for six months
and had sex with him. But for the entire six months they were together,
she didn't take off her bra once while they were in bed. She said she
was really self-conscious about her chest, that it was too big, that
something was wrong. So when they broke up, the guy made fun of her for
never showing her warlocks.
She thinks modeling is a fairly harmless career for her. People can
look at her on the internet and imagine whatever they want, but when it
comes down to it, Zhenya herself is not accessible. You can't buy her,
you can't call her, you can't find out where she lives. You might be
able to access her secretary, but there really isn't any contact
between her and her 'customers.'
On how she deals with people who don't accept her job as a glamour
model: she usually just laughs and tries to joke her way out of it. But
she's scared that people are so hostile that it seems they want to hurt
her sometimes. She claims that once, somebody actually did hit her
because of it, and she hit him back in the head with her heavy-ass
Then on to photoshoots. She finds it hard sometimes to remember all her
photoshoots, where they were and what she was wearing (naturally,
because there have been so many). She rattled off the places she's gone
to multiple times: Spain, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey. Once she had to do a
shoot in the snow in subzero temp, and she was wearing a bikini. They
had to finish that shoot pretty quickly, but overall, most of the
shoots she's in are done faster than you would think. Twenty minutes is
about average. If it's cold out on the street they have to set up the
lighting first without the girl, then she comes on and poses.
Occasionally she has had to work from 8:00 am to 12:00 midnight in the
course of a day. Once after nine or ten days straight of that kind of
schedule, she broke down in tears and realized that she simply can't
keep doing that. "It's hard work. If you think it's just, go out there,
take off your clothes," then you're wrong, it seems.
I guess being a model is harder than we thought. At first you just have
to improvise with all the poses, and then with experience, you start to
get comfortable and you acquire your own "angle of approach" as she put
it. You try to hide your shortcomings. He then asked her what she
thought her bodily shortcomings were, and she responded, "well, for
example, my butt sticks out."
"Once she had to do a shoot in the snow in subzero temp, and she was wearing a bikini."
One of the (many) shoots held in the State Committee on Archives of Ukraine. It is sometimes saddening to know so many sets are left on shelves gathering dust.
"well, for example, my butt sticks out."
No, no, no! Her butt is the best part by far, this is a tragedy like Shakespeare has no words. I want her butt to stick out. I am inconsolable with grief.
And there will be more info from al0vera, thanks to djmax who offered us the full, almost 84 minutes interview. According to al0vera "not all of it is exactly what I wanted to hear", so prepare yourself for some disappointing news. I thought the bit where she was saying that she doesn't want to be accessible to her fans is already quite disappointing - though not surprising any more.
On fanclubs: The host asked about an interview she did once for an
internet forum, and she said she was occasionally asked by one of her
fanclubs to go and answer a few questions for all her fans. The host
was amazed that she had a fanclub, and she said that she has one in
practically every country on earth. (she added that whenever she goes
abroad, people want to take their picture with her, but when she's in
Ukraine, nobody cares.)
On her last name: Don't feel bad if you can't pronounce Diordichuk. She
says everyone has trouble with it. Even the radio host had a hard time!
She says she only works with two names online: Katie Fey
and Jenya D. He asked about what kind of pay she gets at MetArt, and
she says they have their own payment system--the photographer pays the
model. She never answered exactly how much money she gets.
Several times, porn directors have come to Ukraine and offered her good
money to take part in a 'real' porno. Since it's illegal to shoot
hardcore in Ukraine, the
directors asked her to shoot abroad. Her response:
"Naturally, if I've been doing erotica for seven years and I've never
been in a hardcore movie, then you can probably guess that I'm never
going to do one. There's no point in even asking. There is no amount of
"What about the people online who say that you already have done hardcore?"
"Uh, I think that's just... that's ignorance I guess. It's just ignorance, maybe someone on the internet wrote 'Pornstar Katie Fey'
and since he put the word 'pornstar' people think it's true...In
addition, I can tell you that a lot of my fans--sorry, I uh don't
really like to say that, but that's what they are--in my fanclubs they
thank me for not doing hardcore."
[Question I don't understand]
"Because, more often than not, glamour models in the long run end up doing hardcore porn. More often than not."
"So you just say that to the directors?"
"Yeah, I just say 'I'm not interested.' Then they go and try to bring up dollar amounts, and I say I'm not interested."
[I think he asks what amount of money she would be willing to do it for]
"There is no amount."
"For $25 million?"
"No. There is no amount. There is no amount."
"I'm telling you seriously.There is no amount."
"All right."
You get the idea. In short, it sounds like she's made up her mind. No
penises will be going in and out of her vagina on camera. I guess
we'lljust have to wait for the Katie Fey sex tape to show up in five years. Sigh.
The host asked her about it from another angle. What if she is working
with some people, and they approach her and say, you know, you're a
nude model, you've almost gone all the way anyways, why don't you just
do a little more, use this vibrator in a shoot, do this or that. How
would she answer that kind of gradual pressure?
"I can simply tell you that I do not break easily. And to try to make
me think how they think, that's also very hard to do. So it's just not
feasible. I have my own point of view, and that's what I think."
This may give our dear friend djmax consolation. The latest report:
"Well, boys (and girls if there be any), I think I may have been a little presumptuous in an earlier post regarding one of Jenya's past relationships. She may not have been married after all, but she certainly was heavily involved with a guy for 4 years. I started second-guessing myself when I realized that neither of them ever said the word "husband" when talking about the guy. I checked out the word on a different dictionary, and the following came up as valid translations:
civil marriage; open marriage; de facto marriage; common law union; consensual union; free union; illicit union
I don't know what half of those mean in english. You make your own conclusions from them. But I still may have been right.
And on to some more radio news. There were quite a few questions about her love life and whether she wants a boyfriend now that she's separated from that guy. Here's part of the one such question:
"So you've never been in love?"
"Of course I have. But I've been single for two years now, and I'm kind of getting 'high off life,' to be honest. I don't regret that we broke up. But in these past two years, I've really come to understand what love is. Not necessarily towards a man, the love could be within your own self. You can find in yourself a sensation of love, you know? That's much more important."
"And not necessarily towards any certain object?..."
"Yeah, just to feel love. If you have love inside you, you will most definitely find a partner."
Zhenya's favorite movie -- Léon: the Professional. She says Natalie Portman
was just excellent as the little girl. "She was so small, and so
sensual, it was unbelievable. It was the most brilliant role ever."
This damn interview is so long, I can't believe she stayed there with
that guy for almost 1.5 hours. Three commercial breaks the whole time I
think. Sad for her, good for us.
Thank you for sharing the translations from the interview. In addition to being one of the most beautiful women on the planet, she is very funny. I particularily loved the quip about modeling till her breasts fall to her knees. She's obviously not so uptight that she can't laugh at herself. The comment about the 'Over tanned blonde' had me laughing uncontrollably. She obviously meant that she found that particular vision so grotesque that is was pornographic in nature. I like her even more now that I know she has such a great sense of humor.
Can anyone tell me why Jenya, almost always, poses with a left profile or straight on shot? I have hundreds of her photos and no more than 2% of them show the right side of her face. Those photos are certainly as beautiful as the others but they are so rare I thought there must be some reason why her right side is not photographed more often. Anyone know?
I guess I'm on a roll here so I'll add another comment. I was VERY pleased to hear that Jenya has the firm resolve to NOT appear in pornographic videos or photos. While there is a part of me that enjoys that type of entertainment, I feel that she gives me enough pleasure sharing her incredible beauty and personality in the format that she currently utilizes. Her skill as a model, coupled with her stunning looks, emotes plenty of sensuality and life in her present medium without sharing her sexual experiences on film. I believe that Eugenia has made a sound business and personal decision that she will not regret in the future.
I guess I got it wrong. She doesn't shoot for katiefey.com at
all anymore because she doesn't like the girly pink colors. I thought
she said she didn't want to leave it because it was her first, but I
was wrong.
She said (to a question i didn't understand) that when things aren't
going right on set, she starts acting really inappropriate. She gets
mad, she's rude to people, she starts cussing.
"Have you ever thrown milk (kefir) in somone's face when you're mad?" (don't ask me why he asked this)
"No, I just start acting really awful..."
"So you have thrown milk at someone!"
"Well, milk, no. But tea, yes."
"Tea? Hot tea?"
"Oh man. But I think it would have been cooler with milk."
"Well, yeah, it looks cooler."
"Have you ever done a shoot with milk, or honey, you know where they pour it all over themselves?"
"Uhh no. Milk is for drinking." (I think is what she said)
And during photoshoots, she likes to dance around like a monkey. They
have to throw away half her photos because she is jumping around like
an idiot.
All right boys, whether you want it or not, I've got more info. Drink
from the fountain of knowledge known as D.K. Im. Chukovskogo:
He had a copy of the Playboy with her James Bond shoot, so the
conversation always seemed to go back to that when he ran out of
questions. He asked her what her favorite picture from the shoot was.
She said "the one with the wheel." Look it up, you'll find it. He shows
her his favorite photo, and she signs it for Narodnoe Radio.
I listened to the husband part again, and I still can't decide. She
said the words "dated," "broke up," and "guy," which make me think he
was just a dude she was with for four years. But then she said "civil
marriage," and I can't help but think Ukrainians have a different
meaning for the term. If any of you meet a Russian or Ukrainian in real
life, ask them what "grazh-DAN-ski brak" means in American English, and
we'll get this all sorted out.
He asked her why they broke up, she told him how he got mad at her photos, blah blah blah, then she had this to say:
"I think that a man should NEVER reject a woman based on what she does
for a living--I mean, except for, maybe, prostitution. Because if a man
really chooses you, he knows what he's getting himself into... If a guy
starts a relationship with you, he knows who he's doing it with. The
modelling, I can stop it, I can not stop it, it makes no difference."
Then they go off on a tangent about how she'll be a 60 year grandma one
day with grandkids, he says something about butts that I don't
understand, she says that would be awesome, and they get back on track.
"Yeah, as I was saying, a person knows who it is that he's going out with, from the outset."
"Now do you tell guys about your job at the beginning?"
"I say it right away. Before, you know, I was kind of scared to. Now,
when I first meet a guy, I tell him straightaway, Listen, there's
something I've got to tell you..."
"So do guys ever just say, Oh, no big deal?"
"Sometimes guys just stop calling back, you know? Guys, they're scared.
You know, he'll tell me, Oh that's all fine! I think it's great you go
do photoshoots and all that. And when he goes on the web and sees the
'ubelievable' number of pictures of me--1.5 million search
results--naturally" and I think she says something about it going
Aaaaaaaaa I think that's enough for tonight. Next time I'll tell you
who she thinks are the most BEAUTIFUL actresses in the world! And no,
she didn't include herself.
Do you have grazh- DAN- ski brak in Ukrainian or Russia characters? I may have some one who can translate its meaning into Engish if it is in a written form that they recognize.
By coincidence: today they just showed a movie of Audrey on tv. The Children's hour, very dated - from 1961 - black & white, but didn't she just look great?
And I said, "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's?" She said, "I think I remember the film And as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it" And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we got!"
al0evera here, checking this place out after hearing about it on freeones forum. It looks like someone has been licentious and nabbed my translation work from its rightful place. I guess I'll forgive you after seeing the dozens of photos posted here from Jenya's personal life. I know it's kind of creepy to look at her via stolen Odnoklassniky photos, but I'll admit I'm just as voyeuristic as all the other bastards on here. Maybe the fact that I can actually understand her makes me even more creepy....
Anyway, there's more to post about her from the interview. I'll still put it on freeones and whoever wants to can copy/paste onto here. I only ask one thing: if anyone manages to get a direct line to her, try to schedule an interview for me sometime. Then I can finally ask her personally to stop shaving down there for a week and open sesame for Voronin on just one photoshoot.
By the way, I see people responded to my last post on here, but I don't see where it was posted. All I see are comments about audrey hepburn. Where'd the paste job go?
Hi al0evera, it's good to see you here.I'v been copy/pasting your translations but always try to give you the credit for your work by quoting you and the famousboard.We have contacted Jenya, now it's a little hard to get an answer to anything but we are lucky sometimes and get a few lines from her. When we frist contact her she agree to give us an intervew but that was about 5 or 6 month ago and like I say, it's hard to get an answer now, but, we'll keep trying.
I wouldn't say that she changes her mind, it's just that we cant get to do the interview. As far as we know she's not good with english but her brother Dimitri translates for her.
Hi al0evera. First of all, thanks for all the translations. I think we made it clear where and from whom we copied the information, and gave you the credit you deserve.
Personallly I didn't find it necessary to keep on copying. Every true Eugenia fan should be aware that, now and then, you have to look into freeones site for an update. So nobody copied what you mentioned in Freeones about dear Audrey and Ms. Bellucci. Sorry about the omission, so sorry we let you down .
She speak russian or Ukranian? please answerme
Ukranian I suppose, but any way It's like Chinese :-(
He talks ukrainian, she talks russian, it`s normal for Ukraine. Some interesting facts, ill translate some later. My english pretty bad.
whatever she speaking could you plz translet this conversation
she has a sexy voice :)
A few words from the interview
- She was married for 4 years before she got sick of her alcoholic husband
- Ukrainians constantly tell her she should be ashamed for what she
does. She thinks the rest of Europe is much more sexually accepting.
-. At the time of the interview she was 25.
- What she REALLY wanted to get into was not the Russian version of playboy, but the American version.
WTF??????? SHE WAS MARRIED?????? :O :O :O This is unbelieve, I never imagine that
My reaction is surprise mixed with some disappointment. I would never have thought she were the kind to get wed young.
Ah well, I will get over it I suppose.
Yes I can confirm what Jenya thinks: here we are more tolerant and open on sexual issues. How's that in Latin American countries?
Depends the country and the people. Here in Mexico, still there are people with a close mind, some sexual issues are taboo and jobs like Jenya does are considered pure pornography. Not all Mexicans feel that way, for example, I am an open mind person, my friends can talk with me about any kind of issue, so as you can see, depends the people.
There's an update from alOvera from the FreeOnes Bulletin Board. In case you haven't read it:
"She says she and her husband divorced for different reasons. He got upset that she was doing nudie pictures, so she stopped, then started up again, and he got mad again. But she maintains that she didn't want to be with him anyway because he was an alcoholic.
She was a dancer from the age of 14 to 22. She did classical dance, flamenco, and another type I didn't understand.
She says that men are afraid of her in real life when they learn about her job, and that people in her country think a porn star would never make a good wife, only a "lover" or something. She also worries about her parents because she's from a small town where everyone knows everyone.
Besides her modeling career, she has a degree in fashion design. She says eventually she'll start designing clothes, but for now she'll keep modeling while she's young and before her "chest drops down to her belly button."
More later. that last thought is enough to deeply depress a man... "
"Besides her modeling career, she has a degree in fashion design. She says eventually she'll start designing clothes"
I'll like to have an authentic Diordiychuk jacket or jeans
Or even better, some hotpants. I'd wear hotpants if Jenya designed them.
Well I suppose a design of her was already presented on her birthday. It looked irresistible. (Sadly we coudn't order...)
That was a gift from her brother and his girlfriend.
She confirmed on the radio show what most of you probably already know, that she only shoots for two websites: Katie Fey and Met Art (just in case you are still searching somewhere else for obscure pictures). She said she doesn't like Katie Fey very much because it has girly pink colors and it makes her look like she's still 18, while she perfectly understands that she's no longer 18. The reason why she keeps doing it is because it's her original
setting, or at least I think that's what she said.
As far as met art goes, she had nothing but good things to say about
it. She loves her photographer (Sasha Voronin) and is very happy with
her work there.
Her photographer is called Sasha Voronin? I don't think so, he's called Alexander Voronin.
I think you are right Fifth
It looks like Sasha is a short namefor Alexander in russia :-/
Yes it looks like it - this is from Wikipedia: Sasha is a male and female given name. It originated in Russia and other countries of Eastern and Central Europe as a diminutive version of the names Alexander and Alexandra.
More translation thanx to al0evera from freeones.com board
She's a size 3 (a "full" size 3 in her words). On certain days she
almost reaches a size 4. I don't know if that's bra size or dress size,
or even if ukrainian sizes are the same as American.
When asked what she thinks pornography is, she says something is porn
if above all it's silly in nature, and if it's not in demand or
"mainstream." When it becomes mainstream, it's no longer porn. Also,
she distinguishes porn (people having sex, girls in contact with some
kind of object like a vibrator) from non-porn (where a naked girl is
being photographed by herself). It seems like this is her way of saying
that what she does is most definitely NOT porn.
And then she went on to say that there's also a different type of
pornography: an overly tanned blonde in a pink dress. Then they both
started laughing. I didn't get the joke, but then again i'm not
ukrainian. I guess as a natural transition, the host asked her if she's
ever been blonde, and she said no. He asked if she ever wanted to, she
said no.
And here's the last one for now. The host asked her how she became
comfortable doing photoshoots for Voronin. She said that when she met
him, she had never taken her clothes off for a shoot, but after looking
at his portfolio, she immediately said "YES!" (If you're interested,
you can fast forward to minute 25:13 in the FLV and hear her say "DA!"
You can tell how excited she was to take her clothes off for this guy
just from that one word). Then the host asks if she was ever shy about
her body in front of other people in her personal life before she
started modelling. She says that once, she dated a guy for six months
and had sex with him. But for the entire six months they were together,
she didn't take off her bra once while they were in bed. She said she
was really self-conscious about her chest, that it was too big, that
something was wrong. So when they broke up, the guy made fun of her for
never showing her warlocks.
And more translations :-D
She thinks modeling is a fairly harmless career for her. People can
look at her on the internet and imagine whatever they want, but when it
comes down to it, Zhenya herself is not accessible. You can't buy her,
you can't call her, you can't find out where she lives. You might be
able to access her secretary, but there really isn't any contact
between her and her 'customers.'
On how she deals with people who don't accept her job as a glamour
model: she usually just laughs and tries to joke her way out of it. But
she's scared that people are so hostile that it seems they want to hurt
her sometimes. She claims that once, somebody actually did hit her
because of it, and she hit him back in the head with her heavy-ass
Then on to photoshoots. She finds it hard sometimes to remember all her
photoshoots, where they were and what she was wearing (naturally,
because there have been so many). She rattled off the places she's gone
to multiple times: Spain, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey. Once she had to do a
shoot in the snow in subzero temp, and she was wearing a bikini. They
had to finish that shoot pretty quickly, but overall, most of the
shoots she's in are done faster than you would think. Twenty minutes is
about average. If it's cold out on the street they have to set up the
lighting first without the girl, then she comes on and poses.
Occasionally she has had to work from 8:00 am to 12:00 midnight in the
course of a day. Once after nine or ten days straight of that kind of
schedule, she broke down in tears and realized that she simply can't
keep doing that. "It's hard work. If you think it's just, go out there,
take off your clothes," then you're wrong, it seems.
I guess being a model is harder than we thought. At first you just have
to improvise with all the poses, and then with experience, you start to
get comfortable and you acquire your own "angle of approach" as she put
it. You try to hide your shortcomings. He then asked her what she
thought her bodily shortcomings were, and she responded, "well, for
example, my butt sticks out."
"Once she had to do a shoot in the snow in subzero temp, and she was wearing a bikini."
One of the (many) shoots held in the State Committee on Archives of Ukraine. It is sometimes saddening to know so many sets are left on shelves gathering dust.
"well, for example, my butt sticks out."
No, no, no! Her butt is the best part by far, this is a tragedy like Shakespeare has no words. I want her butt to stick out. I am inconsolable with grief.
And there will be more info from al0vera, thanks to djmax who offered us the full, almost 84 minutes interview. According to al0vera "not all of it is exactly what I wanted to hear", so prepare yourself for some disappointing news. I thought the bit where she was saying that she doesn't want to be accessible to her fans is already quite disappointing - though not surprising any more.
On fanclubs: The host asked about an interview she did once for an
internet forum, and she said she was occasionally asked by one of her
fanclubs to go and answer a few questions for all her fans. The host
was amazed that she had a fanclub, and she said that she has one in
practically every country on earth. (she added that whenever she goes
abroad, people want to take their picture with her, but when she's in
Ukraine, nobody cares.)
On her last name: Don't feel bad if you can't pronounce Diordichuk. She
says everyone has trouble with it. Even the radio host had a hard time!
She says she only works with two names online: Katie Fey
and Jenya D. He asked about what kind of pay she gets at MetArt, and
she says they have their own payment system--the photographer pays the
model. She never answered exactly how much money she gets.
Several times, porn directors have come to Ukraine and offered her good
money to take part in a 'real' porno. Since it's illegal to shoot
hardcore in Ukraine, the
directors asked her to shoot abroad. Her response:
"Naturally, if I've been doing erotica for seven years and I've never
been in a hardcore movie, then you can probably guess that I'm never
going to do one. There's no point in even asking. There is no amount of
"What about the people online who say that you already have done hardcore?"
"Uh, I think that's just... that's ignorance I guess. It's just ignorance, maybe someone on the internet wrote 'Pornstar Katie Fey'
and since he put the word 'pornstar' people think it's true...In
addition, I can tell you that a lot of my fans--sorry, I uh don't
really like to say that, but that's what they are--in my fanclubs they
thank me for not doing hardcore."
[Question I don't understand]
"Because, more often than not, glamour models in the long run end up doing hardcore porn. More often than not."
"So you just say that to the directors?"
"Yeah, I just say 'I'm not interested.' Then they go and try to bring up dollar amounts, and I say I'm not interested."
[I think he asks what amount of money she would be willing to do it for]
"There is no amount."
"For $25 million?"
"No. There is no amount. There is no amount."
"I'm telling you seriously.There is no amount."
"All right."
You get the idea. In short, it sounds like she's made up her mind. No
penises will be going in and out of her vagina on camera. I guess
we'lljust have to wait for the Katie Fey sex tape to show up in five years. Sigh.
The host asked her about it from another angle. What if she is working
with some people, and they approach her and say, you know, you're a
nude model, you've almost gone all the way anyways, why don't you just
do a little more, use this vibrator in a shoot, do this or that. How
would she answer that kind of gradual pressure?
"I can simply tell you that I do not break easily. And to try to make
me think how they think, that's also very hard to do. So it's just not
feasible. I have my own point of view, and that's what I think."
This may give our dear friend djmax consolation. The latest report:
"Well, boys (and girls if there be any), I think I may have been a little presumptuous in an earlier post regarding one of Jenya's past relationships. She may not have been married after all, but she certainly was heavily involved with a guy for 4 years. I started second-guessing myself when I realized that neither of them ever said the word "husband" when talking about the guy. I checked out the word on a different dictionary, and the following came up as valid translations:
civil marriage; open marriage; de facto marriage; common law union; consensual union; free union; illicit union
I don't know what half of those mean in english. You make your own conclusions from them. But I still may have been right.
And on to some more radio news. There were quite a few questions about her love life and whether she wants a boyfriend now that she's separated from that guy. Here's part of the one such question:
"So you've never been in love?"
"Of course I have. But I've been single for two years now, and I'm kind of getting 'high off life,' to be honest. I don't regret that we broke up. But in these past two years, I've really come to understand what love is. Not necessarily towards a man, the love could be within your own self. You can find in yourself a sensation of love, you know? That's much more important."
"And not necessarily towards any certain object?..."
"Yeah, just to feel love. If you have love inside you, you will most definitely find a partner."
More on this subject to come... "
This is very, very interesting. Thanks for all the work!
Zhenya's favorite movie -- Léon: the Professional. She says Natalie Portman
was just excellent as the little girl. "She was so small, and so
sensual, it was unbelievable. It was the most brilliant role ever."
This damn interview is so long, I can't believe she stayed there with
that guy for almost 1.5 hours. Three commercial breaks the whole time I
think. Sad for her, good for us.
From al0evera at FreeOnes
"Leon The Professional" is an awesome movie. Good taste. :D
Leon: The Professional.... anybody can tell me the name in spanish, to watch it :P
La matanza de Texas.
Léon el profesional
El perfecto asesino
Thank you for sharing the translations from the interview. In addition to being one of the most beautiful women on the planet, she is very funny. I particularily loved the quip about modeling till her breasts fall to her knees. She's obviously not so uptight that she can't laugh at herself. The comment about the 'Over tanned blonde' had me laughing uncontrollably. She obviously meant that she found that particular vision so grotesque that is was pornographic in nature. I like her even more now that I know she has such a great sense of humor.
Can anyone tell me why Jenya, almost always, poses with a left profile or straight on shot? I have hundreds of her photos and no more than 2% of them show the right side of her face. Those photos are certainly as beautiful as the others but they are so rare I thought there must be some reason why her right side is not photographed more often. Anyone know?
I guess I'm on a roll here so I'll add another comment. I was VERY pleased to hear that Jenya has the firm resolve to NOT appear in pornographic videos or photos. While there is a part of me that enjoys that type of entertainment, I feel that she gives me enough pleasure sharing her incredible beauty and personality in the format that she currently utilizes. Her skill as a model, coupled with her stunning looks, emotes plenty of sensuality and life in her present medium without sharing her sexual experiences on film. I believe that Eugenia has made a sound business and personal decision that she will not regret in the future.
More from al0evera at FreeOnes board:
I guess I got it wrong. She doesn't shoot for katiefey.com at
all anymore because she doesn't like the girly pink colors. I thought
she said she didn't want to leave it because it was her first, but I
was wrong.
She said (to a question i didn't understand) that when things aren't
going right on set, she starts acting really inappropriate. She gets
mad, she's rude to people, she starts cussing.
"Have you ever thrown milk (kefir) in somone's face when you're mad?" (don't ask me why he asked this)
"No, I just start acting really awful..."
"So you have thrown milk at someone!"
"Well, milk, no. But tea, yes."
"Tea? Hot tea?"
"Oh man. But I think it would have been cooler with milk."
"Well, yeah, it looks cooler."
"Have you ever done a shoot with milk, or honey, you know where they pour it all over themselves?"
"Uhh no. Milk is for drinking." (I think is what she said)
And during photoshoots, she likes to dance around like a monkey. They
have to throw away half her photos because she is jumping around like
an idiot.
More from al0evera, as usual.
All right boys, whether you want it or not, I've got more info. Drink
from the fountain of knowledge known as D.K. Im. Chukovskogo:
He had a copy of the Playboy with her James Bond shoot, so the
conversation always seemed to go back to that when he ran out of
questions. He asked her what her favorite picture from the shoot was.
She said "the one with the wheel." Look it up, you'll find it. He shows
her his favorite photo, and she signs it for Narodnoe Radio.
I listened to the husband part again, and I still can't decide. She
said the words "dated," "broke up," and "guy," which make me think he
was just a dude she was with for four years. But then she said "civil
marriage," and I can't help but think Ukrainians have a different
meaning for the term. If any of you meet a Russian or Ukrainian in real
life, ask them what "grazh-DAN-ski brak" means in American English, and
we'll get this all sorted out.
He asked her why they broke up, she told him how he got mad at her photos, blah blah blah, then she had this to say:
"I think that a man should NEVER reject a woman based on what she does
for a living--I mean, except for, maybe, prostitution. Because if a man
really chooses you, he knows what he's getting himself into... If a guy
starts a relationship with you, he knows who he's doing it with. The
modelling, I can stop it, I can not stop it, it makes no difference."
Then they go off on a tangent about how she'll be a 60 year grandma one
day with grandkids, he says something about butts that I don't
understand, she says that would be awesome, and they get back on track.
"Yeah, as I was saying, a person knows who it is that he's going out with, from the outset."
"Now do you tell guys about your job at the beginning?"
"I say it right away. Before, you know, I was kind of scared to. Now,
when I first meet a guy, I tell him straightaway, Listen, there's
something I've got to tell you..."
"So do guys ever just say, Oh, no big deal?"
"Sometimes guys just stop calling back, you know? Guys, they're scared.
You know, he'll tell me, Oh that's all fine! I think it's great you go
do photoshoots and all that. And when he goes on the web and sees the
'ubelievable' number of pictures of me--1.5 million search
results--naturally" and I think she says something about it going
Aaaaaaaaa I think that's enough for tonight. Next time I'll tell you
who she thinks are the most BEAUTIFUL actresses in the world! And no,
she didn't include herself.
Do you have grazh- DAN- ski brak in Ukrainian or Russia characters? I may have some one who can translate its meaning into Engish if it is in a written form that they recognize.
It should just mean a "steady sexual relationship".
Nice to see she liked great actress and semi-compatriot Audrey Hepburn.
By coincidence: today they just showed a movie of Audrey on tv. The Children's hour, very dated - from 1961 - black & white, but didn't she just look great?
And I said, "What about Breakfast at Tiffany's?"
She said, "I think I remember the film
And as I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it"
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we got!"
al0evera here, checking this place out after hearing about it on freeones forum. It looks like someone has been licentious and nabbed my translation work from its rightful place. I guess I'll forgive you after seeing the dozens of photos posted here from Jenya's personal life. I know it's kind of creepy to look at her via stolen Odnoklassniky photos, but I'll admit I'm just as voyeuristic as all the other bastards on here. Maybe the fact that I can actually understand her makes me even more creepy....
Hi al0evera, it's good to see you here.I'v been copy/pasting your translations but always try to give you the credit for your work by quoting you and the famousboard.We have contacted Jenya, now it's a little hard to get an answer to anything but we are lucky sometimes and get a few lines from her. When we frist contact her she agree to give us an intervew but that was about 5 or 6 month ago and like I say, it's hard to get an answer now, but, we'll keep trying.
So sad to hear she changed her mind....
Btw does she understand any English?
I wouldn't say that she changes her mind, it's just that we cant get to do the interview.
As far as we know she's not good with english but her brother Dimitri translates for her.
Hi al0evera. First of all, thanks for all the translations. I think we made it clear where and from whom we copied the information, and gave you the credit you deserve.
Personallly I didn't find it necessary to keep on copying. Every true Eugenia fan should be aware that, now and then, you have to look into freeones site for an update. So nobody copied what you mentioned in Freeones about dear Audrey and Ms. Bellucci. Sorry about the omission, so sorry we let you down
Not a problem. I was just curious why it stopped.
Yeah. Jenya's hot.
Does the link still work? When I click on it what I can do is to watch someone's youtube video. And because I don't understand russian...
It looks like the Radio Chook web site is gone.
So that's too bad. I wanted to record that interview...Maybe next time I will finally hear her voice...