Hey Guys. Has anybody heard an update on the proposed Playboy TV shoot or video or whatever it was supposed to be? We saw those wonderful photos awhile back and I thought she was supposed to appear in Nov. I've been checking the listings and recording programs that, by their title, looked as though they might include Jenya but I've found NOTHING to date that is softcore or artsy enough. Any ideas?
No. Where have you been? haven't heard from you in a few days.
Haha. You know, they release nearly anything about her late. Met-art photosets, videos...
These pics show in one instance how long it takes for the finished procuct to be published. I downoalded this phone snapshot 3 months ago, and, if the costume in any indcation, she was shooting "How to Wear a Toga" at that time.The video was released about a week ago.
No news so far, but I believe she'll be appearing as a Dream Date. Unfortunately, this would also mean we'd only be treated to ~3 minutes of her :(((