Well, it's a nice set, but I've seen much better. The white background is a bit boring and none of the poses are really exciting. It's of course still okay, but IMO nothing more than "nice".
Sometimes they will show perviews a few weeks in advance.According to http://www.met-art.com/new.html which you can get to by going to the user generated galleries and then clicking on one of the featured Met-Art galleries at the bottom of the page this set will be posted on 04/06/09 that is monday and they do post sets at certain time but I will keep that information to myself.
Well, it's a nice set, but I've seen much better. The white background is a bit boring and none of the poses are really exciting. It's of course still okay, but IMO nothing more than "nice".
wow such an angel
...so, when is this actually going up on Met-Art?
Still not at http:// members.met-art.com/members/search.html?model=758
Sometimes they will show perviews a few weeks in advance.According to http://www.met-art.com/new.html which you can get to by going to the user generated galleries and then clicking on one of the featured Met-Art galleries at the bottom of the page this set will be posted on 04/06/09 that is monday and they do post sets at certain time but I will keep that information to myself.
Thanks for the info!