Just a few days ago a big event took place at the Kiev Golf Club, the Star GolfStream. Jenya was among the special guests.
More info: http://www.kievgolfclub.com/rus/events/index.php?ELEMENT_ID=1547
Hopefully we'll manage to have more pics in the coming days.
Jenya and her golf partner came sixth in the competition: http://www.kievgolfclub.com/upload/upload_September09/20090905_Winnerlist.pdf
Their gross score (total number of strokes to complete the course) was 53 and their net score (that takes into account handicap) 31.
*lol* Nice outfit for golfing.
No. It was better, 6th out of 17.
Just a few pictures I managed to find. Here they are.
And I'd like to show you this picture from MTV Ukraine. The guy is VJ Avdey.
More pictures of the event, at last. I think some of them are very nice. Especially compared to the recent, far from sensational Fountain video (accompanied by that equally appalling music). This is more like the real and playful Jenya!
Notice these pictures were shot on the 7th of August, almost a month before the match.
Higher res of pic of where she is made into a plastic doll:
I believe this is an image I haven't seen from this golf event.