АРТ Мозаика is a weekly magazine published in the Ukraine. It has a readership of about 300,000. I have not been able to find a pdf for this issue (or indeed any issue) at the moment.
АРТ Мозаика is a weekly magazine published in the Ukraine. It has a readership of about 300,000. I have not been able to find a pdf for this issue (or indeed any issue) at the moment.
Enlarge it, enlarge it, for God sake!
I swear that write in spanish and then in english it´s going to burn my brains...
Talking about burned brains...if Eugenia appears with this gaucho-cowgirl outfit around the argentine lands, will be the very end of the cows, the farming and, obviously, the gauchos-cowboys...
Интервью АРТ Мозаика
"Now I can not imagine how we could leave and not stay together"
Find out more...
But first 2 unknown pictures from the TexasSpunkyGirl Blackjack set
I let Google do the translation of the interview, so don't expect too much.(still it's a very useful service!).
It's quite a good and interesting interview. Here it is:
A year ago, Eugene Diordiychuk became the face of the Ukrainian edition of Playboy. Although I always thought that for an erotic magazine main thing is not so much a person as other parts of the body.
In life on the purely external signs Zhenya can not be called sex-bomb. Neither was there any overflowing sexuality, just about ready to explode, no hidden passions inherent in her images of erotic images. Sweet, interesting, very agreeable, but not sex-bomb. And only a few half-closed eyes brown eyes cautiously hinted at a girl belonging to the caste of photographic divas, professionally emote.
Not so long ago the phrase "erotic model" in the country, building communism, it was like a curse. And no one thought could not then, that in the near future on the fertile Ukrainian soil also appear erotic models, nothing worse than the best Western standards.
Our answer Monsieur DIOR
- I was born in the city Druzhkivka Donetsk region. Mama - Head Bank. Pope has long been the first deputy mayor of the city, now works as director of the bakery. Parents, in contrast to me very serious people. And if you go down the family tree, then my grandfather, Nestor was born in Odessa, my grandmother - from Western Ukraine, not the Jewish Polish girl, not a Polish Jew.
- Zhenya, a child is something you give out in a creative person?
- I'm bad at school, because it was engaged in painting and choreography. Since the seventh grade knew that I would come to the designer and purposefully went for it.
- A component of "Dior" in your name to something it obligatory? For example, if Dior, it necessarily need to model clothes.
- No, absolutely not not binding. Many even believe that this is a nickname that I thought up herself. In fact, I was just lucky with the name.
- Knowledge and skills acquired in high school as something useful?
- Since I have a diploma of the artist and I know what the composition and lighting, you know what to do before the camera. Initially, I have the idea what should be an image, and is already posing as appropriate.
- Erotic Model - is a sentence? You can not work as a model is not erotic?
- I can, I think. But there are some stamps, depending on with what you started. If a fashion - will always be synonymous with fashion, whether naked in the future or not. And if it starts with eroticism, no matter where you go - in fashion or film - stay erotic model.
- You start with eroticism. How did this happen?
- Even in the first year at university I saw an American photographer and suggested a couple of photo shoots. I did not make any plans, it was simple interest. But then these photos without my knowledge, appeared on the Internet. I began wildly popular.
- What parents say?
- Mom do for a long time did not know what I shoot. I think, and now it is not very much. But she was intelligent and sensitive person, so nothing to say. Papa pleased with my choice and does not produce absolutely no complaints.
Promised - KEEP!
- History that you once long ago promised her boyfriend to get on the cover of Playboy magazine - is a legend?
- No, true. I was only 19 years old. And after the promises I really lived for some time with the thought that I need it. But when the man disappeared from my life, lost and the reason for someone to prove anything. There was only a dream. I continued to strive for it, but not for someone, but solely for himself.
- Can not say that it was from the time you began to systematically work hard to get on the cover?
- Never. I worked on himself, to be held as a model. You can smile, do not believe, but it was much hard work.
- Why did you interested in Playboy?
- It was an accident because I am not the man who will go and ask: "Take me, please." Never attended castings, considering this humiliating procedure. Once I was on the site "classmates" I saw a stylist Moscow "Playboy" Nikita Nagibin and suggested shooting. For four hours we removed the entire session, and for me this was nothing unusual. But when it was already in Ukraine in November 2008 was invited to weigh on the cover, there was difficult. Were built some crazy decorations for each image - different, had to wait for two hours until their finished. Then he had to stand strictly on the spot, you can not turn either left or right. I do not like it, I love to improvise.
- In addition to Ukrainian, you were more interesting and the Polish edition of Playboy?
- And I have not only Polish. My photo shoot went out in 15 countries, six of them covers - in Spain, the Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine twice. And in the Netherlands, where it was the cover, I was somehow named Debby. ** (TFK: that's correct!) **
- Zhenya, as defined in the publication of a girl of the year? There is some kind of vote?
- As far as I know, we took the decision revised. I was a girl in Russia in August and September - in Ukraine. The result was the girl years. In fact, the victory does not make any dividend, only flatters vanity. So I proved to myself that I am a strong person. It's nice.
- And what about that guy, whom you promised to be on the cover?
- Now we do not communicate with him. He has another life, another girl. I hope he is happy.
- You once said that withdraw dressed less comfortable than naked.
- I know that naked I look much more profitable. Me as an artist is not interested in clothes, on top of the head dress, and bottom - pieces of hands. There is nothing more beautiful than the female form.
- You someone taught teaching them the basics of erotic models?
- This can not be taught, it must be present in the nature of women. And many features, such as organic, coquettish, they either have, or not. There are insanely beautiful girls, but their nature is not erotic. With such cold beauty of useless work. And there are girls seem to be anything special, but when it is facing the camera, then transformed beyond recognition.
- Was your work process of becoming, or go to the first session, all happened at once and did not have to change?
- With experience changes everything. I look at photographs, studying her face, analyze what I need to do before the camera, but from what should be abandoned. Same thing with the body. I know its drawbacks: not very long legs, not particularly handsome tailbone. And I work so that it is somehow less. I have very great experience, and during filming, I feel like a fish in water. Photographers can only click on the button.
- In the beginning you have pressed the idea of what to crop up?
- No, I have this happened very competently. At first I just bared his chest. And so it was up until I was ready to undress completely and she wanted it. I was growing up, and accordingly manhood my desires. I really like it a lot.
- So you get pleasure from its own exposure? In my opinion, this is called exhibitionism.
- With only one amendment: not exhibitionism has led me to photography and erotic photography has developed in me the makings of exhibitionism.
- I'll ask in another way: for an erotic model, you must be an exhibitionist?
- Of course. From any profession should enjoy. If in our business to work only for money, rape and destroy themselves, then it will be something akin to prostitution. By the way, these models are also very much.
- Outside shoots you are trying to emphasize their sexuality?
- No. Jeans and a sweater - my usual clothes. For the strip there are specially designated areas. I'm already so used to the shoes, suspenders, stockings, whips and other sexual thing, that in life I want to rest from it.
- What is the difference between shooting for the Internet and to gloss?
- In fact, no difference. This difference readers determine their attitude: gloss - it's cool, the Internet - so-so. I do not know why, but our people image naked girls are still considered to be pornography. Perhaps because many porn sites as advertising use images of famous people: actresses, singers, models. I agree, this fact may cause suspicion. On the other hand, for many magazines removed. And a month or two of them forget. Similarly forgotten my shooting for Playboy magazine. To be famous, popular, you need something else. For me, this "other" was the Internet. I - Internet personage. I was there, there, anywhere, and will not disappear.
- Initially, in the same Internet you have learned under the name Katie Fey. What does it mean?
- This name, coined not by me, and whether the photographer who did my first photo, whether the people that created these images for website. Fay (as far as I know) is a fairy. Well, Katie - the same name as Kate. Imagine what a coincidence: when I was born, I wanted to call Katya. But against this was my grandmother, and through her I became accommodations. Similarly, with a pseudonym. No, I invented it - he stuck with me, and I do have with it can not do.
VAGIN insinuation
- Eugene, I did not find any of you negative feedback. This is a unique situation in the market model?
- In fact, reviewers have been different. Especially after the award. And why are there not only wrote: ugly, old, full of shit. But most of all I did not like that I began to compare with Dita Von Teese. I like this model, but between us I do not find anything in common.
- God is with her, with Dita, better tell us how you think about Dasha Astafieva. Especially reviews that you like her.
- By Dasha am very well. However, we personally do not know. Regarding similarities, then, firstly, I can not be like Dasha, as several older than her. When I became popular in America and Europe, Dashi was not yet on horizon. Secondly, we are absolutely different: Dasha large features, and I'm thin and small. We can not compare.
- Once started talking about Dasha, by the way would be to ask whether you are attracted show business? For career Centerfolds, especially erotic, is limited in time.
- It's not true. In the fashion-industry model in 25 years - an old lady, and in erotica can be removed and in 35, if you are a trail and elegant look. Moreover, I am not against plastic. And in show business do not want any projects, because I find it funny when they sing or model to act in films, trying to prove the presence of vocal and acting talent. I believe that if a person sings, he should sing. Then, and need not be a model. In the future I would like to become a photographer, to shoot naked women and continue to do what I know and can do.
- This will be in Ukrainian "Playboy", Russia, the U.S.? You have not yet made such a proposal?
- While it is a secret.
- How do you feel about retouching and Photoshop?
- It's a delicate topic. I normally am, when there is no problem, but problemki. For example, two pimple on his forehead before the menstrual cycle. If they are removed, it does not even touch-up, as a kind of cosmetics. But when there is a complete change of appearance: rubbing the freckles on the body, increases breast is thinner waist, I do not understand and do not accept. Model initially should be such that anything not to do. Otherwise, lost its purpose: take any girl in the street, nasnimali, reinstall unnecessary, changed the face - and ready.
- In an interview, you talked about erotic photos - brutal, but not vulgar. How's that?
- Brutal - is when everything is natural, when the frame is life and no pretense. When in the eyes of the girls read sex, but not the icons banknotes. And of course at least photoshop. And the vulgarity ... Well, let's say, may look even went blonde dressed in a pink dress.
- And what is vulgar in erotic photos?
- When you no panties and legs on his shoulders. But I absolutely do not mind, when visible hint of the vagina. Especially in combination with an angelic face and kind eyes.
- However, there is a belief that the genitals must be concealed. What do you think, why? How are they different from other parts of the body?
- I do not know. For me it makes no difference. When a woman gives birth, where there is a child? Imagine that we all face and body prolazili it is through this place. How can we say that this is disgusting and pornographic?
- You originally had such a concept or is it in?
- Erotic Photography taught me a lot. In my life now is not the fact that I am categorically. I believe that nothing can be condemned. Everyone has the right to do what he wants.
- Eugene, you affirm that you are ready for any degree of candor? I think for the country, where the genes of people laid down clear limitations, it is nothing more than bravado. At the time for the Soviet people the biggest revelations were the stories of foreign stars on their first sexual experience.
- You want me to tell about it? I think that she should lose her virginity to a man she loved. My first experience in this regard was correct. I love people, and our relationship lasted five years.
SEX NOT Vulgarity
- And that's when you become acquainted with a young man, but he's already seen you in such detail that for the first time and seemed to be too much? In this regard, the concept of intimacy is lost, does not disappear is the mystery that is so necessary to a woman?
- Well, I do not know. If a male vagina - is a puzzle, then I do not need such a primitive man. Tomorrow he will be a new "mystery", for the explanation of which a lot of sense not to do ... And I myself for a solid mystery. And my puzzle is that while no man could read me and make me a shrew girl turned into a submissive woman, his woman. And this despite the fact that men want to be very many.
- I think your approach is somewhat self-serving: the man must conquer your love, and you merely allow him to do it or not.
- If a man wants me to love him, he must love me. We're not talking now only about sex?
- No, of course. Why trivialize the high feelings?
- Wait for sex - is not vulgar. The pleasures of sex - the most important discovery of mankind.
- But over time it loses its importance. Or is it not so?
- If you are suitable to each other millimeter to millimeter and physically, and spiritually, there will be no ointments before or after the molestation. Here I'm 26 years old (I will not hide the fact that not a virgin), but only recently met the man who is so fit that I was with anyone else in his life was not so good.
- And how long can this go on?
- Well, we have about six months communicate. And I swear, all that was before him - is nothing there. Now I can not imagine how we could leave and not stay together.
- That is, when Eugene said in an interview that she had no one there, it was not true?
- For me, "no one" - is when I do not show their relationship. Nobody knows who this man. It is not clear that we will be next. Relationships - this is when you live together, when a man has you. And when you call each other, asking how things were going, and you often see, when you want - it can not be called a relationship. This is a gift.
- Your views on marriage and family, too original or, conversely, the traditional?
- I do it will be only for love. I'll marry the man of whom I think of falling asleep and waking up.
Thanks King. Great post. Once again in addition to her incomparable beauty Eugenia proves the she is a very intelligent, introspective, complex and creative woman. She really understands her craft and how to best utilize her considerable modeling skills to best display her specatular features. She also offers some interesting insight into her life philosophy. Her thought process is facinating. I'm not only enamored of her breathtaking looks. I find that the more I discover about her, the more I like her.
" Here I'm 26 years old (I will not hide the fact that not a virgin), but only recently met the man who is so fit that I was with anyone else in his
life was not so good."
I still have my cleaning rag if you still have your chloroform, King. What do you say? We can discard his body so it looks like he took a nasty fall rock-climbing.
Proceed as per our instructions and in the event you or any member of your team
should be caught or killed, then the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of
your actions.... Your mission, should you decide to accept it is
Find the truth hidden behind this "to much" friendly pictures and proceed to execute the termination protocols as usual.
Oh, but I don't think it's him. Now, we could finish him off, just to be sure, but if we did so for every possible contender, then framing these as rock-climbing mishaps will become increasingly difficult...