Bring her as close to you as you can, especially if you have a big screen tv. You need anaglyph 3D glasses (one lens red, the other blue) to see images in 3D. You can get glasses cheap on Amazon. Or buy a Captain D's kids meal and get a pair with that.
So, a holiday greeting from her to you . . . .
Source for that catwalk?
May Fashion Event in 2010:
Thank you, kind sir.
is there an original for this ?
Playboy casting call:
Yes, I will post one here.
Never mind. I took sanpshots from the video I-Love-Her posted a link to.
A few more 3D. As far as I can tell, most of these look pretty good on a big screen tv. But you do have limitations when creating a 3D image from a 2D one. When I look at them they look pretty good. Hopefully, they look good to you tot.
Don't know quite how I got to a seperate page, but, anyway, here are the rest. The last photo is not 3D, but is a larger size, because I think it is stunning.