This pictures of Jenya supposely came from Odnoklassniki ( ) wich is a russian social network with over 20 million users.
I actually use to know her in RL, she was my wife classmate for years ago. It was not in Kiev, actually, it was town Druzhkovka, Ukraine. I sow her couple of times than, thats all, so I donno how she became a model
who are you and how do you know her?
Im just a fan that spend some time looking for her on the net.
I don't know her but I'll gladly do it =P~
wat the guy name who behind her ....i want to kill him ..i just got jealous of him ..he is so closed to katie fey...=((::
I bet he is her brother or something like that.
oh really .....thanks bro but hw do you conform
Their faces look alike :B
I actually use to know her in RL, she was my wife classmate for years ago. It was not in Kiev, actually, it was town Druzhkovka, Ukraine. I sow her couple of times than, thats all, so I donno how she became a model
Do you remember the name of the school or anything else? Was she a good student and classmate or she was a trouble maker? :?
Not name just number, but does it matter, lol?? No idea about her childhood dreams and life. She wasnt iven friend of my wife, just classmates.
New homemade picture of Jenya at Odnoklassnyky