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ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40
NEW! (I think) Photographer: Sergei Enenko; Source:Tonidor's Live Journal 11-04-13

Okay. I was browsing Tonidor's Live Journal (tonidor.livejournal.com) yestercday and came across something I had overlooked on previous visits. If you're new here, Tonidor has an incredible wealth of material on Jenya. Anyway, when you go to his page you will see links to his different offerings. Scrolling down you will find one that says Where professional models meet model photographers. Move to the bottom of that and you will see two names--Dasha Saintnick and Dayra Sytnyk. Clicking on those names witlll bring up a Model Mayhem link. Click the link that says Model Mayhem and that will take you to Dasha's profile page. Scroll down to friends and you will see a picture of Eugenia Dior. Click on her picture and you will be taken to her profile page. After browsing that, click on the camera beside the VIP sign. That will take you to her picture portfolio where she advertises herself as a model. Once you get there you will find photos containing nudity are blocked. Go to the top where it says "Worksafe Mode" and click off. Refresh the page and you should see all the photos. That is where I got all but the color photo from. Enjoy!

Attached images: