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ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40
Hold on tight! Hidden A-Jen-Da "Ahisa""

Part one of some stunning photos from the Met-Art series Ahisa.. The Shadows Know. The very last one, which is of her face reflected in a mirror, is my favorite one.

ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

 Part I--  More revealed treasures from The Hidden A-Jen-Da! Again, the first photo in each set is the published one; the others reveal what the camera really saw. Nothing has been added to the original photos. Everything you see here is what the camera saw--no cutting or pasting from other sources. What you see ARE the photographs as they were taken. Enjoy her wondrous beauty.  These are from the Met-Art set Ahisa by Veronin.   

coniglio 21
Joined: 02/08/2010 - 08:08

Hello Jemmyluv and again congratulations for your work, I have a question for you, the sets discharges on this site or somewhere else? I only ask because the sets of photos here are incomplete and that could affect your job, there are many that you can find here.
Hello and thank you!

ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

I'm not sure what you mean by discharges. I am a member of the site and post only photos I find interesting.  I could not post complete sets because that would be in violation of U.S. copyright law and would be illegal. However, under the fair use doctrine I can post litmited photos as long as it is not for profit (which it is not) and has an educational (which it doess ) and/or entertainment value to it.As far as I know, I have all the Jenya and Katie Fey sets in my personal inventory.  Again, my hobby is simply to present the hidden aspect of her photos. And I do that only for the ones I find noteworthy.I merely wish to explore her beauty as much as I can.  I am amazed that each time I explore many of these pictures at the hidden treasures I find When I put one of these pics in Photoshop, I have not idea what I might see. Thanks for the interest. Nest week I will post Pt 2 and there are a couple of truly stunning (I think) pictures in there.

ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

Ahisa Pt II Coming Soon Preview

The Shadows Know--The Hidden A-Gen-da