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ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40
A Chair-itable View A-Pic-A-Day 8-30-2013

"I love a chair-itable woman, and this is chair-ity at its best! Oh, my, oh, my!"

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jeffs007's picture
Joined: 05/02/2009 - 14:16

Yum! Should be one of the major food groups.

Joined: 05/30/2009 - 23:57

Jenmyluv, I am curious. With this new format of posting pictures as you do, is there anyway of saving some that I have never seen before for my personal collection of our lovely Jenya? I enjoy all your posts, but there are a few I would like to save and I am sure others would too.



ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

The way I post pictures is controlled by the program our admnistrator has determined they will be posted. So you should probably contact him with your question. I know you can save the low quality thumbnail, but not the larger pictures.

The administrator of this site is particular about the "fair use" of copyrighted material. He does not like sites that post high quality images from Jenya sets because that means anyone can save the pictures without supporting those who made them available to the public originally. So, he may have set this method up just for that reason.

So, I could offer a couple of ways to get the photos, but I hesitate to do that without his permission. So, talk to him. He is I-Love-Her on here, and see what he says. Now, you may be able to right click on the big image and open up the program he was installed on this site to mnipulate pictures he has posted. I've done that with some of his postings, but I've not tried with mine.

Now, if you have just a couple of pics you want, I could email them to you. I don't think that would be a problem. But I would not want to get into doing that extensively.

Anyway, ask him. I tried to save a couple to my computer and not even I can do it.


I_Love_Her's picture
ED.Com SupporterPaparazziWallPaper Maker
Joined: 12/03/2008 - 17:18

When you click on any image posted in the forums, the window that opens has a link "Download original" at the bottom, i forgot to enable that before, just click there and you will get the original image.

ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40



Joined: 05/30/2009 - 23:57

Thanks to both of you.I have a fair collection strictly for personal use and never for commercial. I am a professional artist and a big respecter of image rights, copyrights and such with my own work and others, wheter paintings or photosgraphs, so I understand completely and have no problem with this. It is also why I have never used Jenya as the subject of one of my paintings even though of all the models I have personally hire over the years, Jenya is without a doubt the one I would love to paint someday. Thanks.