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ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40
Beautiful enhanced photo from the Met-Art set Kigher (Photo #49)

I only know one other woman as exquisite as this one!

ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

Forgive me for posting too many of the same picture. I created a forum topic, then wanted to delte it, but haven't figured out how to do that yet. She is so hot!  The third pic from the top is the original. She the dramatic difference a little loving photoshop can bring out?

Joined: 04/22/2009 - 21:22

Thanks for your hard work. but to be honest ... I find it quite rather annoying. Her pictures are nice as they are and there is no need to squeeze every inch out of them. She is so open with showing off everything anyway ... everyone of us would most likely love her to do some hardcore but it is her choice. As for the time being, her pictures are beautiful and there is - in my view - no point to flood this whole forum with "enhanced" photoshop montages all the time ...

I would rather love to see normal, daily pictures of her and from her
just my personal opinion
jeffs007's picture
Joined: 05/02/2009 - 14:16

I don't know that it is annoying. However, I don't quite understand the unnecessary labor and time spent doing the work when she took so

many photos

like the one below over the years.

In its highest resolution one can almost crawl 'up in there' and take a nap.
ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

Please read my reply to the other gentleman. The image you posted is one of my favorites. However, look at the image of Jenya posing as Atlas, which highlights her magnificent vaginal area, and tell me that my rendering is not just about erotic as it gets!

jeffs007's picture
Joined: 05/02/2009 - 14:16

Sorry. I can't agree that your photo 'alteration' is more erotic than the one that the camera originally captured. She makes her poses and the camera sees what it sees. I believe that in the poses where there are shadows, there is the titillating effect that Jenya and the photographer are attempting to achieve. That affect makes them even more erotic. Those glimpses of  'heaven' are meant to tease us and leave us yearning for more. They are effective in doing so.

On the other hand, there are plenty of her photos, some of which I have re-posted recently, where she proudly displays her vagina in all its glory. In those shots, that is what we are meant to see. She has made herself completely vulnerable in those photos. I choose to accept them as her complete gift of herself to us, the viewer. I find them ample reward.
ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

Well, Jeff, we'll just have to agree to disagree. You state that my claim that my photo "alteration" is more erotic than the one the cameral originally captured is bogus. But, you see, Jeff, you're missing my point. My created image is the original photograph. It is what the camera saw. That is the only reason I can show what is beyond the shadows. Yes, the photographer put the shadows there for the reasons you mentioned. However, I would also guess that the reason the invisible can be made visible is because the photographer was using subliminal suggestion. Subliminal advertising has been going on for decades. It is the idea that a picture can be manipulated so that the subconscious mind sees what the conscious mind does not and therefore causes a person to be more likely to buy a product. It can be the shape of an ice cube in a picture or even a magazine picture in which the image on the opposite side of the page will briefly shine through as a reader turns the page.

So, I would submit to you that the images I show were meant to be seen but by the subconscious rather than the conscious mind. All I have done is shown you the actual photograph in its entirety. Now, is my contention as to the purpose of these photographs correct? I don't know. But I do know that if Leonardo didn't want parts of her to be seen he was quite capable of making that a reality.

My goal with all this is to educate and to entertain. I have been following Jenya since before she was on Met-Art. I think she is one of the most wonderful creatures ever created. I also think that what I am doing honors her by showing her in a light not seen before.

Now, I don't think my renderings are superior to Leonardo's. Without his photography I would have had nothing to work with. The pictures are his; I just show them in a different light. I do think, however, that photo 49 pushes her sexuality out there in a unique way. Yes, you can find pictures of Jenya's womanhood, but I've never seen one that shows it in the voluptuous way I revealed it. I also posted a pic where she is leaning against the wall, her legs open, the hem of her dress high, and her torso in darkness. When the original photo is revealed, her luscious buttocks are visible for all to see. I would have no problem taking these two photos, submitting them to a panel judges, and have them decide if those two photos were the two sexiest photos out of the entire set. I think I would win. You don't. But at least we can agree that Eugenia Diordiychuk is one of the sexiest women ever.


jeffs007's picture
Joined: 05/02/2009 - 14:16

Wow. Way too deep for me. I don't look at these photos as some manipulative marketing conspiracy which needs to be 'uncovered' to be fully understood. They are art. I enjoy them as such. You're correct.  We will have to disagree.

They are the artists

, not you - or anyone else who chooses to attempt to alter their creative work.  

The only thing we can agree on is that Jenya is one of the most beautiful, enchanting creatures to ever walk the planet.
ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

So, Jeff, just out of curiosity, do you hold the same opinion of those who post images in the "fan art" section, which are clearly far more removed from the real Eugenia than anything I have done? You want to talk about altering creative work, talk to them. I have done nothing other than what those folks have done except that I have not put tattoos around her navel, etc., etc.

As far as the photographs belonging to the artist: no they don't. The photographs belong to the people who paid for them, in this case by subscribing to Met-Art. If a painter creates a work, hangs it in a gallery, and a consumer buys it, it no longer belongs to the creator. He voluntary chose to sell his creation in order to make  profit. Once he does that, the art is no longer his, so that if the owner one day sells the painting he bought for a million dollars, the creator gets not one cent of it because of the decision he made previously. Now, I can't sell sets of Jenya photos because a clause of my ownership contract says that Met-Art retains copyright. But I can in a non-profit way share with others my purchase. And if by my renderings I influence more people to seek out the wonderful Jenya, then "bully for me" is what I say.

ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

To reply to your concerns:

1. I don't want Jenya to do hardcore. She became so gloriously popular by sticking to her principles and pursuing her goals. How many pornstars have achieved what she has? None!  She is fine just the way she is. Why would I want to share her with another man?

2. Though I used the word "enhanced," I am really "restoring'" what was lost in the first place

3. Do you not find it interesting at all that in these photographs exists a hidden world heretofore inaccessible to the viewers of these images? You see, that intriques me. And so I ask myself, "Why am I able to bring out these hidden items and why were they hidden in the first place?" You see, these kinds of things don't happen by accident. My guess is this is subliminal photography, in which the unconscious mind is supposed to see what the conscious doesn't and thereby cause you to desire the girl in the image more. Now, I don't know that to be a fact, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was.

4. So, my purpose in doing this is twofold: 1. Edcational--to show viewers what the camera actually saw, and 2 Eroticism--to bring new images of beautiful Jenya forward that are far more erotic than the original published image. I don't think you can look at the Atlas Pose image of Jenya and logically argue that what I did is not superior, in terms of sensuousness, than the original photo.

5.Also, you confuse me. On the one hand you say you want to  see "normal," everyday pictures of her(which is fine by me), but then you say you want to see her do hardcore. Perhaps the subliminal effects of these photos has affected you more than you know.

6. I want to make the beauty of Jenya as glorious as I can. I think I have succeeded for the most part. So, I am sorry if you are offended by my humble worship of the goddess, but, after all, no one is forcing you to look at the pictures/

Joined: 04/22/2009 - 21:22

hi jenmyluv, no offense but in my view you write too much and explain too much what your "view" is ... we all just enjoy her pictures and herself. let's please keep this. some like your "enhanced" or restored pictures, some do not. I do not but you have every right to do what you do. But maybe you can at least keep them to one section and not spread them all around all sections.much appreciated!

jeffs007's picture
Joined: 05/02/2009 - 14:16

Amen. freigeist31. I couldn't have said it better. Thanks.

ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

No offense taken.

If you read one of my earlier posts from either yesterday or the day before, you will find that I apologized for putting too many pics up. I am relatively new here as a member so am learning the ins and outs of posting. For instance, I created a forum topic that I later wanted to delete but could not figure out how or if that can be done. Maybe you can help me.

As far as wordiness goes, I didn't get wordy until a couple of folks decided to negatively criticize what I do. And that's fine; I don't mind that. I like spirited but respectful conversations.  However, I will defend the integrity of my artistic renderings. And that's what I did--responded point by point to their concerns. So, I am only wordy when the situation requires it. A doormat I will not be.

'Nough said. And this is only 3 short paragraphs.




Tondior's picture
Knowledge KeeperPaparazzi
Joined: 01/08/2011 - 14:14

I agree, freigeist31. But I'm afraid jenmyluv just keeps on opening new topics.

ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

Perhaps I am missing something here. You seem to agree with friegist31, who doesn't like the fact that I present what the camera actually caught,  that I am flooding the site with topics. All of my recent posts, unless I am responding to a comment directed to me, have been under The Real Jenya. However, if I use pictures from one Jenya set I assume that is a topic. If I use pictures from another set, I assume that is  a new topic. Am I wrong in that thinking? Tell me where I am in error, and I will be happy to correct it if possible.

As far as the subject of my postings, which is friegist's real complaint, I don't think he or anyone else is forced to read anything I write or look at anything I post. Fortunately, I have had more people compliment me than criticize me. They enjoy seeing Jenya in a new light.

So, if you have constructive suggestions on how to improve my postings, I would be glad to have them. Thanks


I_Love_Her's picture
ED.Com SupporterPaparazziWallPaper Maker
Joined: 12/03/2008 - 17:18

Hello there, I gave you the Inspired By Jenya badge for your contributions to the site, I find it quite interesting to have a different look at what we may not apreciate in the pictures at first, keep it up ;)

ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

Thanks for the award! I started doing this project because someone on here opined that he wished he could see more through the black wisp of translucent  material Jenya was wearing in one of her sets. So, I experimented and found that indeed that could be done. So, since there is little new Jenya material these days, I thought I would contribute by taking the old and showing it in a new, refreshing way. When I put one of these shadowed pictures into Photoshop, I don't know what I'm going to find. But, boy, have I found some good stuff! Again, thanks! Here is a preview to Pt. 2 of my current set, which I will post next week.

Joined: 09/14/2009 - 10:12

Hey all, as a long time fan of Jenya i just want to add my two cents.

i agree with Jeffs and Freigeist, i had some similar thoughts myself.
however as a fan of Jenya, i find it very interesting to see the work you've done. 
so i say... Jenya is such babe already that your work seems unnecessary. however BECAUSE she is such a babe... it makes it interesting to see anyway.
so THANKS !!!
from a FAN.
i certainly wouldn't call it flooding or spamming... this website moves slow as is... so some more content definitely does not hurt.
ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

Thanks. You might find these interesting


Joined: 12/06/2011 - 17:35

Its still great to see a twist on some of the old pics. Keep it up buddy. Naysayers apart.

ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

 Thanks. You might like these. I did not include the original which has the integral portions of the image very dark.  Jenya is so incredibly beautiful. I want to revere every last molecule of her body    

djmax's picture
ED.Com SupporterKnowledge KeeperPaparazzi
Joined: 01/19/2009 - 22:05

So someone finally figured out how to use the shadow/highlights feature of PS. 

Soft, Unique, Crazy... all I'm going to say is that you're not the first person to venture here. 
ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

Aha!  I have been found out! I have been exposed! Very astute of you.

You have earned extra credit and must be rewarded. Wahla!


coniglio 21
Joined: 02/08/2010 - 08:08
jenmyluv. you are great!! Keep it up!
ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

Since you insist . . . . . . . .

Joined: 03/09/2009 - 16:08

You put the light on the hidden treasures!! 

ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40

I try

JWG's picture
Joined: 02/13/2013 - 00:32

Keep up the good work.  I'm new to this site... but for years I barely knew she even had a vagina under all that shadow work!?.  Definitely agree that it brings new perspective to familiar pictures.