I've been looking at more early Katie Fey sets. This time they were all from Visegrad, Hungary, where Jenya stayed at the Silvanus Hotel.
Visegrad is a nice place just north of Budapest, also along the river Danube (Donau).
Compare the view Jenya enjoyed, from KF set Turtleneck:
Hotel entrance:
and from set Black Outside
Not far from the hotel the ruins of the citadel
and from set Black Outside
Pics from inside, the restaurant:
from KF set Restaurant
The sauna
and from set Sauna (there are 2 KF sets called Sauna, this is the 2nd!)
Underneath one more from the hotel's website http://www.hotelsilvanus.hu/html/angol/galeria.htm
Notice the orange pattern on the wall, it's on many KF sets, here's one from Party Dress Katie
I couldn't find a hotel's picture from the kind of bedroom Jenya was in. There has been a huge fire in the hotel more than a year ago, and they had to renew a lot of the interior. So they prefferred to show the new stuff on the site.
There's also a YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SGz2I08fTM If you watched it, you should have recognised the older styled bedroom and also the jacuzzi form KF set Jacuzz Me:
There are plenty of sets more to show from Visegrad, but I guess this is more than sufficient.
goog beautiful
I had known about the castle, because from her balcony you can see a prominent bend in the Danube, and the first bend in the Danube past Budapest is next to Visegrad. However, you've outclassed me completely on the hotels ;)
Excellent work. Thanks for sharing.
Further elaborating on the findings of The_Fifth_King, I checked the EXIF data and all of the following sets (plus a few others that I could not link to) were taken between Oct. 11 and 14, 2004 at Hotel Silvanus, as indicated by the orange wallpaper pattern, the green carpeting, or the wooden balcony railings. Photos of the hotel before the fire are hard to come by. Looking at all these hotel room details made me feel like Jason Bourne in The Bourne Supremacy, where he goes back to a Berlin hotel and looks at the hotel room details, then reconstructs what happened there.
Some other sets from the Hotel Silvanus:
Note the blue column and burgundy flowerpot, as seen in the following hotel photo:
And from the bar:
Note the bar counter detail and bar stools, as seen in the following hotel photo:
This pic is believed to be from the hotel, but I cannot confirm it. Note the turret / tower visible through the glass just to the left of Eugenia's breast:
WOW. It is awesome. I wouldn't have thought that such a beautiful woman was in Hungary.
I am Hungarian and as I can remember I was once at that place, called Visegrád.
I was little kid and I was with my class, my classmates; this was a kind of school hiking.
We looked at just the castle.
Ok, this was just a remembrance.
I assume if Eugenia got a job over here at that place, in that hotel, our country would become a kind of millionaire.
thanks for sharing.