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I_Love_Her's picture
ED.Com SupporterPaparazziWallPaper Maker
Joined: 12/03/2008 - 17:18
New forum and features at ED.Com

There's a new forum avaliable at ED.Com named "Everything But Eugenia".
There, we can post anything that is not related to our goddess and that we want to share with the other members of ED.Com. Other girls you like, funny stuff, pictures of your dog, everything you want.


Another new feature is the video posting. Now we can post videos from YouTube, DailyMotion, Google Video, Flickr and MySpace directly into the forum.
Just write [ video : url_of_the_video_here ] (without spaces) and you'll get this:

Ok, hope you like the new stuff at ED.Com

Joined: 03/02/2009 - 02:46

Yes, a Off Topic-Forum was missing. Good idea. :)

NeowithJenya's picture
PaparazziWallPaper Maker
Joined: 02/10/2009 - 20:58

Good idea (the videos and the Off topic) now I can post the videos that I uploaded in the Eugenia's Youtube channel that I did.

So here the first one: