For those new to this site, you can play Jenya in Strip Blackjack and have here remove all her clothes just for you. However, the goal of geeting her clothes off her is not always easy. I would say that in 85% of the time I have tested her, I have succeeded in my goal. So if you want to play, here are some helpful hints.
1. When you are dealt two tens or face cards, do not split. The overwhelming majority of the time, you will lose.
2. When dealt 13 you will usually lose whether you bet or not.
3 If it takes you more than 15 minutes (that's my average) to win, try another time.
Other helpful hints;
1. The games are free.
2. When you start a game shortly the game will stop. Don't worry. In a few seconds a pop-up will appear inviting you to do certain things. If you don't want to do them, click no and the game will resume.
3. You can change decks 3 times each game
4 The link I provided will take you to the game's wallpaper page where you can upload 9 high quality images of Jenya.
5. When you've finisshed there, look at the links at the top of the page. You will see three links to each of the games.
6. Click one and you can start.
7. Good Luck!
Oh, the last 3 pics are wallpapers. I left the last one the original size
Finally, copy and paste this link into your word processing program and save it. In case there are some who don't know, If you copy and paste the link into you browser and then hit enter, it will take you to the page.
Strip Blacjack is better full screen (F11).
Another pic. I mean Better!