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ED.Com SupporterInspired by JenyaPaparazzi
Joined: 03/25/2013 - 01:40
See why I remove shadows? Keep Spirit Up Pt 3-! Hidden A-Jen-Da, A-Pic-A-Day, Some good ones here! 01-27-14

Oh, how beautiful she is! Especially the pic where she is sitting sideways to the cameral. Removing the shadow exposed her beautiful womanhood, and, oh, how much more sexy the pic becomes because of that. Plus, notice the close-up of her flower. There is either a piece of hair or straw on her flesh. It is in several pictures of this set, Spirit. If you take the time, you will notice that often her photographers put her in places of dirt, dust and or rust, in both Katie Fey and Met-Art. I'm sure this is supposed to convey some hidden psychological menaing  to viewers, but I don't know what it is. Enjoy!

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