I have seen several drawings similar to this one by Sergei Enenko. The likeness here was so striking I thought I'd share it with you. To me this is unmistakably Eugenia and was most likely done at the time of the shoot when she posed in the shear black bra and skirt. The pose is even similar to those that we have from that shoot. He's obviously multi-talented too. I hope you like it. I think, for just a sketch, the facial resemblance is uncanny.

As an artist for 40 years, I have to say this is very well done. Line drawings, such as this can be difficult to get a likeness at all and the proportions correct. If I had to critique it my only problem would be the paper it was done on. I like it.
I have thought many times about painting Eugenia, but I have refrained in respect to copyright laws and she is so recognizable any audience for the painting would know exactly where it came from. She is such a beautiful woman, it is very hard for me to resist painting her. Maybe a piece for myself in my own collection and not for sale. :D
Thank you visualone for your perspective as an artist. I too was amazed that a comparative likeness could be captured with such a drawing. That is what immediately captured my attention. I assumed that a resemblance like this would require a more detailed painting.
Maybe I will. I have always wanted to paint her.
"The things we regret most in life are those that we never did."