Latest news about Eugenia Diordiychuk.

jeffs007's picture

Eugenia #85 by splice and some news.

splice says he still has a few more photos of Eugenia that he has not previously published. He has contacted her about another shoot but she has not responded to him yet. 


jeffs007's picture

Didn't think we see any more of these.

#s 82 & 83 from splice. I guess all good things do come to those who wait.


jeffs007's picture

The Ultimate Girl Next Door.

vrizer's picture

Still Waiting For New Nude Photos

Oh come on...

New Art

​Sketch for her new painting

Special photo offer from Deviant Art, Grosjean

Buy 30 Hi Res photos of Jenya . Special Price. I tried to paste link, but it wouldn't work. Go to and search stefangrosjean and you should see ad. You have to be a member, buy points, and exchange those for the pics. If I figured correctly, it comes to about $40.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 




jeffs007's picture

Eugenia flashing her new hairdo.

"Black is not my natural hair color. My new color much closer to my real color." 

Oh, woman, woman, woman . . .


Starting . . . stopping . . . starting . . .

. . . . . . . .Jenya awakens one day . . . "You draw​ a picture of three months. To invest in her soul and strength. And then one day you wake up and see it differently. And yet! We need to start snachala?"

jeffs007's picture

More Nice art of Eugenia

The 1st 2 by Max Twain. 3rd one the artist is unknown.
